Meetings and Presentation Opportunities Rahul Panesar, MD Associate Professor Division of Pediatric Critical Care Medicine
Timeline Research Question Do your Homework! Write a Proposal (Background, Question, Study Design/Methods and Metrics) IRB Approval, Exemption if indicated (i.e. QA/QI) Results Get clearance Start the study: collect data Analyze data Present Submit an abstract Prepare Poster Presentation Start working on abstract Start working on manuscript
Contract with your Mentor Discuss this early, clearly and honestly Expectations What each party wants Deadlines Authorship for poster and manuscript(s) THEN set an agreed timeline Make everything count Should be able to build on everything for the next step
Presentation Preparation Research Conference Appropriateness for project Deadlines for abstract, format Requirements for posters, presentations Use of SB logos, colors, etc. Waivers for travel, lodging
Funding Stony Brook Children’s Residents get $750 a year Conferences (registration fees) Books Membership fees/dues Travel May carry unused funds over from year to year during residency Conferences may provide a waiver or subsidize physicians-in-training You should inquire early!
Conferences by Specialty Adolescent Medicine Society of Adolescent Health and Medicine –N North American Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology -N Allergy/Immunology American Academy of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology -N American College of Asthma, Allergy and Immunology -N Cardiology American College of Cardiology -N American Heart Association -N American Society of Echocardiography -N Critical Care Medicine Society of Critical Care Medicine -N Developmental/Behavioral Society for Research in Child Development -N Society for Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics -N Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology conference -N Developmental behavioral pediatrics of Greater New York -L Annual Meeting of the American Academy from Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine American Psychological Association -N N= national R= regional L= local
Hematology/Oncology American Society of Pediatric Hem/Onc -N American Society of Hematology -N American Association of Cancer Research -N American Society of Clinical Oncology -N Hospitalist Pediatric Hospital Medicine –N Endocrine Endocrine Society -N American Society for Bone and Mineral Research -N Pediatric Endocrine Society –N American Thyroid Association –N American Association of Clinical Endocrinology -N American Diabetes Association -N N= national R= regional L= local
Education/Research Nassau/Suffolk Pediatric Society -L Pediatric Academic Societies –N,R Northeastern Group for Educational Affairs -R American Society for Bone and Mineral Research -N Association of Pediatric Program Directors -N Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education –N Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics –N Eastern Society for Pediatric Research –R American Association of Medical Colleges -N Emergency Medicine Pediatric Academic Societies –N Society of Academic Emergency Med –N American Academy of Pediatrics –N Neonatology Greater New York Perinatal Conference –L Neurology Society for Neuroscience –N Primary Care North American Primary Care Group -N N= national R= regional L= local
Public Health American Public Health Association -N Academy Health -N Gastroenterology NASPGHAN: North American Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition –N “Teaching for Tomorrow” aimed for residents interested in pursuing a Pediatric GI fellowship; if selected, NASPGHAN pays for travel, food and lodging. Digestive Disease Week –N Infectious Disease Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy -N Infectious Disease Week -N Pediatric Academic Societies –N Eastern Society for Pediatric Research –R Conference on Retroviruses & Opportunistic Infections -N Pediatric Infectious Disease/St. Jude -N American Society for Microbiology -N N= national R= regional L= local
American Thoracic Society (ATS) –N Pulmonology American Thoracic Society (ATS) –N National Cystic Fibrosis Conference -N American College of Chest Physicians (CHEST) -N North American Cystic Fibrosis Conference (NACFC) -N Association of Asthma Educators (AAE) –N Maltreatment The San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment -N The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children –N Neonatology AAP Greater New York Conference for Perinatal Research –L Mead Johnson Neonatal meeting -N N= national R= regional L= local
American Society of Nephrology -N American Society of Hypertension -N American Society of Pediatric Nephrology/Pediatric Academic Societies -N The Eastern Society for Pediatric Research-N Simulation International Meeting on Simulation in Healthcare –N International Pediatric Simulation Society Rheumatology American College of Rheumatology -N Pediatric Rheumatology Symposium –N Other Women in Medicine –L Patient Safety –L N= national R= regional L= local
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