Update on CTAC LNG Subcommittee October 5, 2017
Updates Tasking TASK TITLE: Recommendations on Safety Standards for the Design of Vessels Carrying Natural Gas or Using Natural Gas as Fuel
Background RECOMMENDED ACTION: Through subcommittee meetings, workgroup meetings, and correspondence, provide recommendations to CTAC for Safety Standards for the Design of Vessels Carrying Natural Gas or Using Natural Gas as Fuel.
Background on Task Four deliverables approved by CTAC at March 2016 Meeting Review of Portable LNG Fuel Tanks Facility SIMOPS/Risk Assessment Guidelines Non-FERC Guidance for Waterfront Facilities LNG Tank Arrangements for Gas Fueled Vessels
Current Subcommittee Taskings LNG subcommittee is currently working two ongoing taskings: Develop a set of recommendations for design specifications for monitoring and controls systems for unmanned cargo and bunkering LHG barges. This effort is coinciding with an adjacent effort by the Towing Safety Advisory Committee (TSAC) Latest draft of the “strawman” is being developed and will be reviewed by the SC Develop recommendations/matrix/table focusing on Type A&B/Membrane regulatory gap analysis pertaining to small scale LNG Current overview of the various comparison criteria has been developed the next step is assigning the references ( or lack there of)
Subcommittee Discussions October 4, 2017 LNG subcommittee discussed the next step for the group: Adjusted task statement Short-term (by next full CTAC): Develop a set of recommendations for design specifications for monitoring and control systems for unmanned cargo and bunkering LHG barges to ensure continual monitoring and control of cargoes while loaded. Develop recommended regulatory text for the purpose of updating 46 CFR 154 to harmonize with 2016 IGC Code. Develop recommendations/matrix/table focusing on Type A&B/membrane regulatory gap analysis that pertains to small scale LNG. Long-term (1+ years): Upon completion of ASTM work pertaining to the procedures for high pressure to low pressure LNG tank transfers, conduct a review of the output and provide recommendations on how the CG could best use the work for future regulatory or policy development.
Other LNG SC Discussions PHMSA Comparison of Exclusion Zone and Vapor Dispersions Modelling Tools Provide input to current PHMSA sponsored research project comparing the various spill selection methodologies and the various facility types CH-IV has been awarded this work The objective of the project is to provide DOT PHMSA with comparison of different methodologies for determining single leakage sources. It will help DOT /PHMSA better define the criteria to determine a single accidental leakage source to be used in vapor exclusion zone calculations Information regarding this R&D effort has been circulated to any members of the Subcommittee who wish to contact CH-IV
Other SC LNG Discussions Examine any risks from the transfer of LNG between two LNG tank types of varying pressure (for example - transfer from a Type C tank to a lower pressure Type B tank) and offer guidance This efforts had been on hold waiting the 2nd Edition of the SGMF Bunkering Guidelines but that is OBE. It was decided that this work would be better proposed (and possibly expedited) to the LNG NCOE as the possible subject of an alert that can be generate to the field. The current notes and background on this will be forwarded to the NCOE by the LNG SC Chair
Next LNG SC Meetings December 2017 - co-located at ABS Washington and a location in Houston - date to be confirmed Q1- 2018 – in conjunction with CTAC Full Committee Meeting Conference Calls/Working Group sub tasking groups – as needed All LNG SC information can now be found here: http://homeport.uscg.mil/ctac
Questions? Margaret Kaigh Doyle margaretdoyle@eagleleng.com/508-889-7747 Dr. Cynthia Znati Cynthia.A.Znati@uscg.mil/202-372-1412