South African print, drawing, and film artist William Kentridge South African print, drawing, and film artist
About Kentridge: Born in Johannesburg 61 years old History of the Main Complaint (1996) Felix in Exile (1994) Tide Table (2003) – Soho on Balcony
Incorporating Society Strives to get part of society INTO his work through his choice of media Charcoal allows for passage of time to be shown He creates, films, erases, changes, and then films again The Ten Doctors From 'The History of the Main Complaint' 1996. Charcoal on paper
Incorporating Society Works focus on apartheid and Jewish life in South Africa “YOU yourself will be in the film if you work conscientiously” – Kentridge William displaying the likeness of his work and his own appearance.
Soho and Felix: They both resemble Kentridge- different self portraits He creates from what he knows, which is himself. Soho – always in a suit and reminds him of his grandfather Jewish life in south Africa: oppression and loss
“One Thinks With His Hands” Enjoys working with tangible material – charcoal, scissors, paper History is a central focus for his work – erasing and marking leaves passage of time in his films Loose, experimentation has created his most brilliant ideas Drawings from Preparing the Flute (Bird Catcher)
“I am not me, the horse is not mine” In his work with the opera, Kentridge uses paper to animate the projections Works similarly to charcoal drawing: construction and reconstruction He works lightly and quickly Displays the mind’s construction of images through shreds of paper ‘Horse on Map’ for The Nose opera
His Work Overall Passage of time Creative expression and experimentation Putting oneself INTO one’s art The Nose and Soho & Felix films (History of the Main Complaint) Johannesburg,1989 Bonnierskonsthall