Nobunari Kashikawa (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan)


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Presentation transcript:

Rest-frame Luminosity Functions Based on The K’-Selected Galaxy Sample on The Subaru Deep Field Nobunari Kashikawa (National Astronomical Observatory of Japan) appeared in Kashikawa et al., AJ, 125, 53, 2003

Introduction Approach to explore the rest luminosity functions photo-z → the best-fit SED template for each sample galaxy → the rest-frame luminosity at any z and at any rest-wavelength → less precise but deeper than spectroscopic sample Deep K’-selected sample K’-band → less sensitive to extinction, k-correction, current star-formation & tracing the rest-λ longer than age-sensitive spectral break at 4000Å Subaru Deep Field (SDF) 2’×2’ very deep (K’<25.5) K’-band imaged area B<28.08, V<26.28, R<27.88, I<25.93, z’<24.27, J<25.5 (Vega, 5σ) In this study, 439 galaxy sample with K’<24 we are now conducting a deep (R<28) and wide (34’×27’) follow-up optical imaging

Rest-K’ LF no evolution up to z=2.5 old stellar population was already in place by z=2-3 ⇔ Papovich et al. (2002) from stellar-mass estimate “massive present-day galaxies were not fully assembled by z=2.5” save the hierarchical model if “M/LK decreases with z” (Drory et al. 2002 for z<1.2)  No number evolution for LK selected galaxies Decreases with z for M selected galaxies Bolzonella et al. (2003) no evolution of rest-Ks LF up to z=2 → consistent with our study

Rest-UV(2000A) LF consistent with Cowie et al. (1999) @z<1.5 and Steidel et al. (1999) @z=3 strong evolution (1.0mag brighter) up to z=3.5 shallow faint end slope @z=3 The rest-B LF shows mild brightening with epoch up to z=2.5

Evolution of Rest UV-K’ color bluing trend@z<1 at any abs. mags. flat@z>1 → subsequent SF by merging @1<z<3 more massive galaxies (luminous in K’) are redder at every epoch

Star Formation Rate Density rest UV-LF → SFRD broadly consistent with previous results @z<1.5 show slight deficiencies @z>1.5 ← due to the shallower faint- end slope of our UV-LF If the slope of the rest UV-LF @ z=3 is really as steep as α=-1.6, our K’-selected sample contributes only 42% of the total UV luminosity density @ z=3 58%… → faint blue galaxies @z>3? but uncertainty is large

N(z) on SDF Kauffman&Charlot(1988) test for PLE vs. hierarchical model consistent with previous obs. on K<21 first time to derive N(z) down to K=24 models - taking account of selection function of SDF & dust extinction consistent with PLE on reliable mag. range 22<K<23 hierarchical model shows an apparent deficiency at z>2 KS-test also supports that PLE agree with obs. The N(z) of FIRES (Daddi et al. in this proceedings) down to K=24 is consistent with our study.

Subaru Deep Field Project On-going Subaru Observatory Project to search high-z (4<z<7) populations. Survey: 34’x27’ wide FOV of Suprime-Cam z’<26.5 (9.3hr exp.) NB921(14.0hr exp.) i’<27.1 (11.0hr exp.) NB816(12.0hr exp.) R<27.5 (10.2hr exp.) B<27.8 (11.25 exp.) Follow-up spectroscopy & NIR imaging Discovery of two z=6.6 Lyman-alpha emitters (Kodaira et al. 2003)