Subaru Weak Lensing Survey: Hyper Suprime-Cam


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Presentation transcript:

Subaru Weak Lensing Survey: Hyper Suprime-Cam Masahiro Takada (Tohoku U.) Takashi Hamana (NAOJ) Satoshi Miyazaki (NAOJ) on behalf of HSC WLWG Aug ? 07 @ JPL

Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) Replace the Subaru prime focus camera with the new one (HSC) PI: S. Miyazaki (NAOJ) The grant (~$15M) to build the new camera was approved in 2006 Construction: 2006-2011 FoV: 1.5 - 2.0 degrees in diameter (~10  the Suprime-Cam’s FoV) 4 - 5 broad band filters (BVRiz) available The first light in 2010 - 2011 Plan to conduct a wide-field survey (primarily for WL); hopefully starting from 2011 for 3-5 years

Suprime-Cam From Y. Komiyama 2 degree FoV option

HSC observing conditions for WL HSC is designed to preserve image quality of the current Suprime-Cam Galaxy number density usable for WL as a function of exposure time Typical seeing size ~ 0.6’’

One case for survey parameters Area: ~2,000 deg^2 Limiting Mag. (AB): B~26,V~26,R~26, i’~25.8, z’~24.3 Exposure time (min): 15(B, V, R, z’), 30 (i’) Nights: 150-300 nights (starting from 2011 for 3-5 years) Targeted Fields: TBD *Limiting mag. is for 10 detection of 1 square arcsecond aperture *i’-band data is used for weak lensing analysis Survey parameters above are preliminary and DE case is considered here because it is primary science case However, survey must be eventually optimized to also achieve several other science cases including “galaxy evolution study” in order to obtain final acceptance from Japanese astronomy community An optimal survey design for DE case is being carefully investigated using the Suprime-Cam data

HSCWLS performance (WLT+CC+CMB) 9 parameters (_de, w0, wa, A_s, ns, alpha, wm, wb, tau) within a CDM model The forecasts are for WLT + CMB (blue), cluster counting (CC) + CMB (green), WLT + CC + CMB (orange) (w_constant)~0.05 Include the non-Gaussian errors of WLT (MT & Jain 07 in prep.) and the covariance between CC and WLT (MT & Bridle 07) However, not include model systematics of each experiment