Microeconomics Graphs AP Economics Mr. Bordelon
Perfectly (In)elastic Demand
Elastic Demand
Inelastic Demand
Unit Elastic Demand
Total Revenue and Elasticity
Elasticity Range on Demand Curve
Perfectly (In)elastic Supply
Consumer Surplus
Changes in Consumer Surplus
Producer Surplus
Changes in Producer Surplus
Total Surplus
Excise Tax on Suppliers
Excise Tax on Consumers
Wedge and Tax Revenue
Deadweight Loss
Changes in Total Surplus w/Excise Tax
Tax Incidence on Consumers
Tax Incidence on Suppliers
Utility Function and Utility Curve
Budget Line
Optimal Consumption Bundle
MU/$ Graph
Profit-Maximization Rule
Total Product Curve
MPL Curve
Total Cost Curve
Total Cost and MC Curves
Average Total Cost Curve
MC, ATC, AVC and AFC Curves
Realistic Cost Curves
Long-Run Average Total Cost Curve
Perfect Competition in Long Run
Profit in Perfect Competition
Loss in Perfect Competition
Shutdown Price
Industry Curves in Perfect Competition
Perfect Competition in Long Run
Quantity and Price Effect, Total Revenue
Monopoly where MC = ATC
Realistic Monopoly Graph
Total Surplus in Perfect Competition and Monopoly
Natural Monopoly
Perfect Price Discrimination
Price Discrimination with Two Prices
Price Discrimination with Three Prices
Monopolistic Competition in Short Run
Entry and Exit of Firms in Monopolistic Competition
Long-Run Equilibrium in Monopolistic Competition
Perfect and Monopolistic Competition in Long Run
Value of Marginal Product Curve
Changes in Derived Demand
Equilibrium for Land and Capital
Individual Labor Supply Curve
Equilibrium in Labor Market (Perfect Competition)
Demand Curve in Imperfect Competition (MRPL)
Labor Supply in Perfect Competition
Labor Supply in Imperfect Competition
Equilibrium in Labor Market (Imperfect Competition)
MSC/MSB Graph (Detail)
Environmental Standards vs. Emissions Taxes/Permits
Positive Externality
Negative Externality
Negative Externality and Common Resource