INCOSE IW 2014 MBSE Workshop January 25-26, 2014 Takeaways MBSE Chairs S. Friedenthal M. Sampson
Summary Context for SE and MBSE Digital engineering and digital enterprise and smart systems (smart factory, smart vehicle) Everything digitized, everything connected (internet of things) Google earth analogy for MBSE to seamlessly zoom in and out Integrate vertically and horizontally Leverage IT technologies (visualization, connectivity, processing, ..) MBSE is in state similar to early stage of CAD INCOSE IW 2013 MBSE Workshop Workshop Objectives and Agenda This 2 day workshop provides an opportunity to learn about the latest MBSE activities, and to network with others involved in MBSE. The theme continues to emphasize the role of systems modeling in a multi-disciplinary engineering environment. The Workshop includes a combination of in-depth presentations, and facilitated break-out sessions. The presentations focus on systems modeling applications and the integration with hardware and software design modeling and engineering analysis models. The breakout sessions focus on high-interest and high-value topical areas including system of systems modeling, systems modeling and requirements flowdown, model management, as well as usability considerations associated with MBSE. Each breakout will include an overview of the topic, and a combination of structured discussion on pre-identified issues and more general open discussion. The agenda for Saturday and Sunday is included below, and balances the time for presentations with time for breakouts. MBSE continues to be a major trend towards the advancement of the practice of systems engineering. Additional information can be found at the MBSE Wiki. Information and presentations from the 2012 MBSE Workshop can be found at INCOSE International Workshop 2012 MBSE Workshop. We look forward to your participation and contribution to this event.
Summary (cont.) Diversity of applications Systems: Diapers/Automobiles/Spacecraft Production lots: millions per day/millions per year/few per year Unit cost: 0.25/25K/2.5B INCOSE IW 2013 MBSE Workshop Workshop Objectives and Agenda This 2 day workshop provides an opportunity to learn about the latest MBSE activities, and to network with others involved in MBSE. The theme continues to emphasize the role of systems modeling in a multi-disciplinary engineering environment. The Workshop includes a combination of in-depth presentations, and facilitated break-out sessions. The presentations focus on systems modeling applications and the integration with hardware and software design modeling and engineering analysis models. The breakout sessions focus on high-interest and high-value topical areas including system of systems modeling, systems modeling and requirements flowdown, model management, as well as usability considerations associated with MBSE. Each breakout will include an overview of the topic, and a combination of structured discussion on pre-identified issues and more general open discussion. The agenda for Saturday and Sunday is included below, and balances the time for presentations with time for breakouts. MBSE continues to be a major trend towards the advancement of the practice of systems engineering. Additional information can be found at the MBSE Wiki. Information and presentations from the 2012 MBSE Workshop can be found at INCOSE International Workshop 2012 MBSE Workshop. We look forward to your participation and contribution to this event.
Summary (cont.) All kinds of models Use of models System model descriptive models including data & process analytical models CAD models Use of models Organize technical data Answer specific questions System model Describe system Integrate discipline specific models (e.g., integrated vehicle analysis) INCOSE IW 2013 MBSE Workshop Workshop Objectives and Agenda This 2 day workshop provides an opportunity to learn about the latest MBSE activities, and to network with others involved in MBSE. The theme continues to emphasize the role of systems modeling in a multi-disciplinary engineering environment. The Workshop includes a combination of in-depth presentations, and facilitated break-out sessions. The presentations focus on systems modeling applications and the integration with hardware and software design modeling and engineering analysis models. The breakout sessions focus on high-interest and high-value topical areas including system of systems modeling, systems modeling and requirements flowdown, model management, as well as usability considerations associated with MBSE. Each breakout will include an overview of the topic, and a combination of structured discussion on pre-identified issues and more general open discussion. The agenda for Saturday and Sunday is included below, and balances the time for presentations with time for breakouts. MBSE continues to be a major trend towards the advancement of the practice of systems engineering. Additional information can be found at the MBSE Wiki. Information and presentations from the 2012 MBSE Workshop can be found at INCOSE International Workshop 2012 MBSE Workshop. We look forward to your participation and contribution to this event.
Summary (cont.) System Model Benefits Communicate system information among stakeholders domain engrs and disciplines (subsystems, ilities, mfg, …) Reuse of modeling information Finding req’ts & design gaps/inconsistencies Increased trade space exploration Improved testing … INCOSE IW 2013 MBSE Workshop Workshop Objectives and Agenda This 2 day workshop provides an opportunity to learn about the latest MBSE activities, and to network with others involved in MBSE. The theme continues to emphasize the role of systems modeling in a multi-disciplinary engineering environment. The Workshop includes a combination of in-depth presentations, and facilitated break-out sessions. The presentations focus on systems modeling applications and the integration with hardware and software design modeling and engineering analysis models. The breakout sessions focus on high-interest and high-value topical areas including system of systems modeling, systems modeling and requirements flowdown, model management, as well as usability considerations associated with MBSE. Each breakout will include an overview of the topic, and a combination of structured discussion on pre-identified issues and more general open discussion. The agenda for Saturday and Sunday is included below, and balances the time for presentations with time for breakouts. MBSE continues to be a major trend towards the advancement of the practice of systems engineering. Additional information can be found at the MBSE Wiki. Information and presentations from the 2012 MBSE Workshop can be found at INCOSE International Workshop 2012 MBSE Workshop. We look forward to your participation and contribution to this event.
Summary (cont.) Importance of MBSE methodology (e.g., systematic approach) Reqt’s, functions, interfaces, features, components, analysis, verification Analysis of behavior, performance, other attributes, failures Use of patterns/product lines Use of models across life cycle INCOSE IW 2013 MBSE Workshop Workshop Objectives and Agenda This 2 day workshop provides an opportunity to learn about the latest MBSE activities, and to network with others involved in MBSE. The theme continues to emphasize the role of systems modeling in a multi-disciplinary engineering environment. The Workshop includes a combination of in-depth presentations, and facilitated break-out sessions. The presentations focus on systems modeling applications and the integration with hardware and software design modeling and engineering analysis models. The breakout sessions focus on high-interest and high-value topical areas including system of systems modeling, systems modeling and requirements flowdown, model management, as well as usability considerations associated with MBSE. Each breakout will include an overview of the topic, and a combination of structured discussion on pre-identified issues and more general open discussion. The agenda for Saturday and Sunday is included below, and balances the time for presentations with time for breakouts. MBSE continues to be a major trend towards the advancement of the practice of systems engineering. Additional information can be found at the MBSE Wiki. Information and presentations from the 2012 MBSE Workshop can be found at INCOSE International Workshop 2012 MBSE Workshop. We look forward to your participation and contribution to this event.
Summary (cont.) Challenges Tool integration Visualization of models … INCOSE IW 2013 MBSE Workshop Workshop Objectives and Agenda This 2 day workshop provides an opportunity to learn about the latest MBSE activities, and to network with others involved in MBSE. The theme continues to emphasize the role of systems modeling in a multi-disciplinary engineering environment. The Workshop includes a combination of in-depth presentations, and facilitated break-out sessions. The presentations focus on systems modeling applications and the integration with hardware and software design modeling and engineering analysis models. The breakout sessions focus on high-interest and high-value topical areas including system of systems modeling, systems modeling and requirements flowdown, model management, as well as usability considerations associated with MBSE. Each breakout will include an overview of the topic, and a combination of structured discussion on pre-identified issues and more general open discussion. The agenda for Saturday and Sunday is included below, and balances the time for presentations with time for breakouts. MBSE continues to be a major trend towards the advancement of the practice of systems engineering. Additional information can be found at the MBSE Wiki. Information and presentations from the 2012 MBSE Workshop can be found at INCOSE International Workshop 2012 MBSE Workshop. We look forward to your participation and contribution to this event.
Breakout Summaries Refer to the summaries on their individual pages MBSE 101 Model Management Infusing MBSE Across Organizations Government and Acquisition Education and Research
Workshop Follow-up MBSE Wiki Presentations to be posted to MBSE Workshop Wiki
MBSE Meetings Monday Biomedical Modeling - Steve Corns Model Management - Amit Fisher Modeling and Simulation Interoperability - Russell Peak Patterns based SE - Bill Schindel MBSE Usability – Bjorn Cole MBSE Concept Design WG - Quoc Do Tool Integration and Interoperability – John Nallon MBSE Town Hall Meeting (5:00 – 6:00) Tuesday System Modeling & Simulation WG – Frank Popielas, R Burkhart Space Systems Modeling Challenge Team – Dave Kaslow
Thank You !!! Enjoy The Social Hour 9/12/2018