Session 3: Major topics on Spectrum


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Presentation transcript:

Session 3: Major topics on Spectrum Peter Faris, European Communications Office 5th CEPT workshop on “European Spectrum Management and Numbering” ECO, 26 October 2017

Spectrum topics in the ECC Strategic Plan Implementation of a new digital dividend in the 700 MHz band Spectrum for wireless broadband (including 5G) Responding to the needs of short range devices including appropriate spectrum access for the Internet of Things Programme Making and Special Events (PMSE) Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR)

ECC Strategic Plan: principles to address challenges The ECC identified the following core principles to address major spectrum challenges: Spectrum sharing: More sophisticated sharing between licensed and unlicensed users (e.g. cognitive techniques, licensed shared access) Receiver parameters: Improve harmonised standards to clearly specify minimum receiver performance requirements, and faciliate sharing by more accurate modelling of receiver performance in studies Promote use of higher frequencies: Support innovation in the use of large contiguous blocks of spectrum in higher frequeuncy bands (e.g. millimetre wave bands above 20 GHz)

5G – the next generation of mobile broadband ‘5G’ is a concept currently under development and discussion within academia, industry, regulation and standardisation The aim is to provide: Higher data-rates – peak rates of tens of Gbps Low latency – order of 1 ms Increased density of devices – 1 million per km2 Seamless connectivity and user experience To support a range of ‘vertical’ applications (not just mobile broadband): ‘Internet of things’ and M2M Automotive Home automation Industrial automation and sensors Healthcare

5G technical requirements 5G is aimed to be released around 2020 In order to meet the ambitious capacity targets, wide channel bandwidths are required – 100s of MHz or even several GHz! Smart antenna technology (‘massive MIMO’) is being researched to provide localised coverage to individual users from a dense network of base stations All of this points to a requirement for large amounts of spectrum in higher frequency bands – up to around 90 GHz

ECC activites - CEPT 5G roadmap In November 2016 the ECC organised a workshop to idenify the CEPT priorites for 5G, with input from administrations and industry As a result a CEPT roadmap for 5G was agreed The roadmap idenities the following frequency bands as the CEPT priority bands for study for 5G: 3.4-3.8 GHz (‘C Band’) 24.25-27.5 GHz (‘26 GHz’) 31.7-33.4 GHz 40.5-43.5 GHz A range of other tasks are identified, and the roadmap is regularly reviewed to monitor progress

Spectrum for 5G – Existing mobile bands Regulation for mobile broadband is technology neutral Bands already harmonised in Europe could be used for 5G Some adaptations may be needed to accommodate 5G characteristics – e.g. review of block edge masks ECC PT1 is reviewing existing regulations in several bands to ensure they are 5G compatible The 3.4-3.8 GHz band was identified as a CEPT priority band Limited existing use and large bandwidths available But there is a need to ‘de-fragment’ existing licences. ECC PT1 is working to provide guidance to administrations to assist with this

Spectrum for 5G – Additional bands under study The following frequency ranges are being studied for future wireless broadband usage (including 5G) under WRC-19 Agenda Item 1.13: 24.25-27.5 GHz (CEPT priority band) 31.8-33.4 GHz (CEPT priority band) 37-40.5 GHz 40.5-43.5 GHz (CEPT priority band) 45.5-50.2 GHz 50.4-52.6 GHz 66-76 GHz 81-86 GHz ECC PT1 is conducting studies and contributing to ITU-R WP5D and TG 5/1

Other mobile spectrum issues – L Band (1.5 GHz) In addition to the focus on 5G, there is demand for more mobile spectrum in the short term ECC has recently worked to harmonise additional spectrum in the ‘L Band’ (1417-1518 MHz) for supplemental downlink (SDL) services to complement capacity in other 4G bands Existing harmonised spectrum: 1452-1492 MHz (40 MHz) New extension bands: 1417-1452 MHz and 1492-1518 MHz (91 MHz total spectrum) This band was the subject of a recent EC Mandate to CEPT. ECC PT1 developed draft CEPT Report 65 in response to this Mandate (for approval by ECC in November)

Spectrum needs for short range devices and the Internet of Things There is an ongoing need to provide spectrum for short range devices and the ‘Internet of Things’ (IoT) 5G aims to include IoT, but dedicated spectrum is also needed Applications include: Smart energy grids Smart meters Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) The ‘Internet of Things’ Machine to Machine Communications (M2M)

Spectrum needs for short range devices and the Internet of Things The ECC organised a workshop on Machine-to-machine (M2M) communications in March 2016 to identify spectrum needs. The main results were: 410-430 MHz and 450-470 MHz: need for dedicated spectrum for utilities 870-876 MHz and 915-921 MHz: Better harmonisation needed 1900-1920 MHz: possibility for licence exempt usage Commerical mobile networks can address some M2M needs CEPT Report 59 Addendum was developed to address harmonisation in 870-876 MHz and 915-921 MHz Revised regulations (frequency plans and power limits) provide opportunities for new applications Geographical sharing with other existing users in some cases

Spectrum needs for short range devices and the Internet of Things ECC Report 266 studied the feasibility of deploying LTE based M2M in mobile frequency bands: LTE eMTC: M2M integrated in a normal LTE carrier Stand-alone narrow-band NB-IoT: dedicated 200 kHz independent carrier Guard-band NB-IoT: 200 kHz carrier within the guard band of a normal LTE carrier The report concluded: LTE eMTC can be deployed in any existing mobile frequency band – it is part of the system so there are no additional compatibility considerations LTE stand-alone and guard band NB-IoT can be deployed in the 900 MHz and 1800 MHz bands, since the 200 kHz carriers are similar to GSM carriers

Spectrum needs for short range devices and the Internet of Things 410-430 MHz and 450-470 MHz: PT SE7 is currently studying the possibiluty of introducing of LTE based M2M (NB-IoT and LTE eMTC) in these bands Compatibility with a range of applications is under study, including: Digital Terrestrial Television (DTT) above 470 MHz Radars within 410-430 MHz Radio astronomy in 406.1-410 MHz ...and several others

Other topics in the ECC strategic plan Harmonisation of the 700 MHz band: ECC completed harmonisation in 2016. Administrations are currently clearing the band. ECO provides an information repository to facilitate cross-border co-ordination Programme making and special events (PMSE): recent studies completed to facilitate additional spectrum for wireless microphones (various ranges from 1350-1525 MHz) and video (2.7-2.9 GHz), and work has started to study 960-1164 MHz in PT SE7 Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR): Harmonisation in 400 MHz and 700 MHz bands completed in 2016

Satellite spectrum – earth stations in motion In the satellite sector there are developments to improve connectivity for ‘moving platforms’ (aircraft, ships, trains) – ‘earth stations in motion’ (ESIM) Plans for large constellations (720 satellites) of low-orbiting (1200 km) satellites in 10.7-14.5 GHz (‘Ku Band’)

Satellite spectrum – earth stations in motion Sharing with existing services – including fixed links and radioastronomy is currently under study in PT SE40 PT FM44 is working to define new regulations for the use of these systems

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