Corporate GHG Emission Inventory Overview 2002 Corporate GHG Emissions by Sector
Energy Costs and eCO2 Emission by Source 2002 Energy Type Total Use Total Cost ($) Total eCO2 (t) Electricity 13,850,515 1,706,269 3,601 Natural Gas 1,334,789 404,372 2,509 Diesel 134,405 70,437 367 Gasoline 79,913 49,364 189 Propane 22,093 7,004 34 Total - 2,237,446 6,700
Historical Measures Example Newmarket Public Library: All computers are turned off at closing of the library – approximately 75 computers. Assumed average 9 hours a day/365 days a year (876kwh/computer) operation of computer vs. 24 hours/365 days/year (328.5kwh/computer). Would see savings of 41,063kwh for 75 computers based on hours and 100 watt load of each computer. Cost savings is based on $0.11/kwh. TOTAL GHG SAVINGS = 5.5 tonnes of eCO2
Current Measures Example Ray Twinney Rec., Retrofits: Lighting, mechanical, water, envelope and other measures complete - see Honeywell report for summary of detailed measures done on building Savings seen as reported by Honeywell were: electricity = 285477kwh; and natural gas = 40587m3 TOTAL GHG SAVINGS = 128 tonnes of eCO2
Current Measures Example Fleet – purchasing of new equipment: generator replaced by static and dynamic inverter. Staff can operate power tools, pumps and lighting off battery power eliminating the need of a gas powered generator. To get a figure for reduction in idling due to inverter - look at Idle Free Zone Calculator - 1 min/day of idling = 0.02 tGHG, 4 hour a week (208hrs/yr) = 12, 480 min*0.02=249t/yr of GHG TOTAL GHG SAVINGS = 250 tonnes of eCO2
Current Measure Example Smart Commute: Employee commuter program - trip reduction program - promotion of walking, biking, taking transit and carpooling to work. Alternative work arrangements (AWA). Total km saved and recorded: 33,797km – assume fuel efficiency of vehicle - use Canadian Average midsize vehicle of 9.1L/100km = 3075L of fuel savings TOTAL GHG SAVINGS = 7 tonnes of eCO2
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