Re-Imagining Our Church Governance
What Is Governance About? The way we structure our life together Processes for making decisions Ensuring Accountability Promoting Mission!
Priorities in Church Governance - Congregationalism - Simplicity - Accountability - Mission
Communications & Promotions Current Structure FCC BOARD Cabinet Chair 1st Vice Chair 2nd Vice Chair Treasurer Secretary Christian Ed Communications & Promotions Evangelism Membership Outreach Property Stewardship Elders Deacons
Proposed Structure Administrative Board Ministry Team Chair Vice Chair Treasurer Secretary Ministry Team Chair Personnel Chair Property Chair Stewardship Chair 6 At-Large Members Deacon Chair Elder Chair Leadership Development Chair Past Chair, non-voting Senior Minister, non-voting Administrative Board Ministry Team Chair Mission Team Leader Worship Team Leader Evangelism Team Leader Christian Formation Team Leader Congregational Care Team Leader Fellowship Team Leader Communications Team Leader Events Team Leader Admin Board Chair, non-voting Ministerial & programmatic staff members, non-voting Ministry Team
Significant Changes CURRENT STRUCTURE Board Members Potentially 76 members with no overlap Division Leaders are Board members Elders and Deacons are Board members Division Leaders (Meets as Cabinet) Christian Education Communications & Promotions Evangelism Membership Outreach Property Stewardship Worship PROPOSED STRUCTURE Administrative Board Members 17 voting and 2 non-voting members Ministry Team Leaders not Board members Elders and Deacons not Board members Ministry Team Ministry Team Chair Christian Formation Communications Evangelism Congregational Care*` Fellowship* Mission* Events* Worship
Significant Changes CURRENT STRUCTURE Nominating Committee 12 members – 6 rotate off each yr Chair and 1/2 committee picked by incoming Board Chair each yr 2 or 3 month commitment Select Board Officers, Elders, and Deacons PROPOSED STRUCTURE Leadership Development Team 6 members – 2 rotate/year 2 members picked each year by current Board Chair to serve the subsequent year. Chair picked by committee from their ranks Year-round work Select Administrative Board Officers, Ministry Team Leaders, Elders, Deacons, and Personnel Committee
Significant Changes CURRENT STRUCTURE Cabinet meets Monthly; Board Quarterly and for special meetings Cabinet meetings include all Board officers, Division Leaders and Chairs of Elders/Deacon Cabinet meetings tend to be dominated by business. Lack of a dedicated place to talk about mission. PROPOSED STRUCTURE Admin Board and Ministry Team meet separately, each group likely meeting every other month, but at least quarterly Admin Board meetings will consist of church business Ministry Team meetings will focus on planning and programming that facilitates the church’s missional work
Significant Changes CURRENT STRUCTURE Elders/Deacons 3-year terms 1/3 roll off each year May serve one full term; then must sit out a year Chair picked by Board Chair Lifetime/Emeritus have voting privileges on Board PROPOSED STRUCTURE Elders/Deacons An even # to be determined by LD Team with recommendations from the Elders/Deacons, with 2-year terms ½ roll off each year May serve 3 consecutive 2-year terms or any combination of full/partial terms which do not exceed 6 years; then must sit out a year Chair picked by Elders and Deacons from their ranks Lifetime/Emeritus no voting privileges on Admin Board; may attend any meetings of respective Elder/Deacon body.
Significant Changes CURRENT STRUCTURE Personnel Committee Chair and members selected by Board Chair. No set number No formal representation on Board Congregational Votes All members have voting rights PROPOSED STRUCTURE Personnel Committee Chair and six additional members picked by LDC Chair member of the Admin Board Congregational Votes Roll of Voting Members identifies members with voting rights.
Roll of Voting Members Roll of Voting Members All members who meet one of the following criteria: Have attended Worship at least once in the preceding 12-month period Have made a financial gift to the church at least once in the preceding 12-month period Are on active military duty Are considered a homebound member List approved by vote of the Congregation at an Annual Meeting in January. List will be updated and approved by the Admin Board throughout the year to reflect the addition of new members of the Congregation as well as the removal of those lost through death, change of residence, or transfer to another congregation.
Roll of Voting Members Roll of Voting Members Will determine the members eligible to vote in all congregational meetings except: Any proposed severance of the relationship between this congregation and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the liquidation or designation of endowment funds or financial resources for use beyond this covenant and purpose; or, the selling of church land or property in excess of $100,000 requires a majority support from church members listed on the Roll of Voting Members for the last five consecutive years at any regular or special congregational meeting.
Significant Changes CURRENT STRUCTURE Board Quorums No quorum for regular Board meetings 51% of members for real estate transactions 2/3 of members to change Constitution Congregational Quorums No quorums Unbudgeted Expenses Cabinet up to $1,000/month and Board up to $2,500/quarter without congregational approval. PROPOSED STRUCTURE Admin Board Quorums 51% for all regular and special meetings of the Board Congregational Quorums No quorum for regular meetings 1/3 of Roll of Voting Members to change the Constitution 51% of Roll of Voting Members to make decisions regarding real property and financial assets in the event of severance of the relationship with the DoC or for large dollar transactions. Unbudgeted Expenses Up to 2.5% of prior year expenses in a calendar year without congregational approval.