Textual Evidence practice 9/24
Agenda Review Textual Evidence 3 Practice Questions Reading Time. End Goal: Be able to strengthen textual evidence skills.
Format 1st: Answer in your own words. 2nd: Quote to back it up 3rd: Explanation of how the quote proves answer true.
Example: Has Hermione began to fit in with friends better? Yes, Hermione has been able to fit in with friends better because she is able to relax around them and not judge or lecture them. “Hermione had become a bit more relaxed about breaking rules since Harry and Ron had saved her from the mountain troll, and she was much nicer for it.” (181) This quote proves my answer true because it shows that people are finding it easier to be around her.
Practice: Following textual evidence format, agree or disagree. Professor McGonagall is a good teacher. Harry Potter is bossy. Draco Malfoy is confident. Ron Weasley is loyal.