ring tailed lemur Blake’ s powerpoint Animal habit project October 2011 fourth grade By Blake brown
description Name ringed tail lemur Classify mammal Where it is found in Madagascar Color white black and gray It is Endanger Live up to 17 years
Habitat They live in hot places like a desert at the African island that is called Madagascar . There homes are in trees.
Adaptations They are kind of lazy all they do is sit around and eat food there homes are in trees they have big claws so they can climb trees they adapt to there home really well. They like to play with bamboo.
What they need to survive Water Fruit Vegetables Like peaches Bananas Pineapple Tomatoes Celery
Environment They are nice they really only play with there own type of spices. They are not aggressive they are bad with cheetahs. And animals that are carnivores. omnivores are they kind of animals they hang out with.
Something interesting about them I love the way there tails swing back and forth they have a good personality I recommend one of them for a pet if you could get one they are about 6ft (2-m).They are very intelligent .
credits Information from www .animal planet.com Power point by Blake brown Pictures from www.Google .com and clip art Animal ringed tail lemur Project made in forth grade
More stuff I am a fan of animals I like a lot of animals like Dogs Snakes And wascally wabbits