We Got Game: Self-Pleasuring Play for Couples


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Presentation transcript:

We Got Game: Self-Pleasuring Play for Couples

The sensual world inhabited by a couple is a beautiful and fascinating thing – and one that shouldn’t be self-limited by the participants. Coupling is, of course, a huge part of that world, as well it should be. Many couples include oral play or “back door” activity in the mix as well. But surprisingly, self-pleasuring is not generally included as an activity for a couple to share. Sure, each partner may engage in private self-pleasuring (with men often including that as part of their regular male organ care routine), but many couples never self-stimulate in front of or with each other. Yet much can be learned from this activity. male organ care If self-pleasuring is viewed as a game between two partners, it can help take a little of the “edge” off of trying it initially. And once a couple gets used to self-fondling together, they may find that they want to include the activity as a more regular part of their sensual lives.

Games people play So what games involve self-pleasuring? There can be quite a few, actually. - Self-pleasuring dice. A pair of dice can be used to create any number of games. For example, a partner rolls the dice. If it is even, the man starts self-gratifying; if it is odd, the woman. That person must continue self-pleasuring until their partner’s “side” is rolled.

- Stroking cards. As with dice, there are many different games a couple can create using playing cards. One simple game is for one partner to turn over the top card of a deck and for the other partner to stroke or rub their genitals the number of times indicated on a card. (For example, a 4 of clubs would mean stroking or rubbing 4 times.) Play continues until release or until the couple decides to dispense with the cards and keep self-stimulating or engage in another form of sensual activity. Alternatively, a couple can play a game like Crazy 8s, but arrange for one person to keep self-gratifying as long as red cards are played and for the other to do the same when black suits are played.

- Music fun. Go to a website that plays songs or music videos and set it to play at random. Pick a system for which partner self-fondles when. For example, if a solo male performs, the guy self-stimulates; if a solo female, the girl does. And if it’s a band each partner does the deed. - Binge self-gratifying. When catching up on that hot series everyone’s talking about, why not self-stimulate as well? A couple can easily determine what the rules are. For example, the male self-fondles when a female character talks and vice versa. Or if a show has multiple storylines, decide during which one each partner must self-gratify.

- Time it. Simplicity itself. Take an egg timer and turn it over. One partner self-stimulates until the sand runs out, then turns it over and the other partner does likewise. The same can be done with an electric timer, too. - Playful ping pong. Those with a ping pong table can strip down and play ping pong, but each participant must be self- fondling at the same time. Many other games, such as checkers or any board game, can be adapted similarly. Of course, many couples will need no game in order to begin exploring self-pleasuring together – and that’s great, too.

Whether using a game or not, men will need to be careful not to get over-aggressive during a self-pleasuring session (solo or with a partner). But if a rubbed raw member occurs, applying a superior male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is urgent. Select a crème with both a high- end emollient (such as Shea butter) and a natural hydrator (such as vitamin E) to soothe that overworked manhood skin. And be sure the crème also includes L-carnitine, a neuroprotective agent that can help restore sensitivity lost from rough handling of the organ.male organ health crème