Starter of the day Have you ever tied knots before? When? What is your favorite color? Why? What is your cultural background? What is a meaning behind your favorite color?
Jewelry making Day 18 Tribal bracelets
Agenda Go over review of last time. Demo on how to create tribal bracelets. As a group put together the first 3 rows of knots on our diagonal bracelet. Finish the bracelet if you are done with everything else.
Last time Last time in class we finished our wire and bead jewelry and turned it in. If you have not finished your pendant, earrings, or wire and bead project you will need to come in out side of class to get it done, because we only have 6 class periods left to get these done for term 1.
The meaning and history of the tribal bracelets
Where did they come from?
Chinese culture Knot-tying arts have developed independently in different parts of the world. The earliest decorative knots are from China as early as period 481 to 221 B.C.E.
Arabia Macramé: the official craft of tying knots into intricate patterns, is said to have developed in 13th century Arabia. It was used as a fringe at the edges of items made on a loom. Sailors later used them to pass time at sea
Africa Later in Africa beads (a form of currency) were added to the not tying bracelets
Africa It is an African tradition for young girls to send a boy a beaded bracelet of different colors. The boy will court her for a while at the appropriate time, he will ask her the meaning of the beads. The Zulu people use beads to carry messages known as “ucu”, a Zulu term for “love letters”.
Australian Aborigines
Native American Tribes What we will be doing is based off of native American tribes knot tying
Supplies 72 inches each of different colored cotton embroidery thread. A clip board, safety pin, or tape to keep your strings in place.
Step 1 Make sure the strings are even and fold them in half. Tying them into a knot leaving a loop at the top Secure your loop so it does not move. Note: there are other nicer ways to start your bracelets but we will cover those later.
Step 2 Organize your strings into the order you want your stripes to show in your bracelet from left to right. On the far left side using the first string make a 4 shape with string one onto string two. Loop around string two and tuck into the loop created by the 4 shape. You will need to keep string two tight so you bring a loop up and do not create a knot. You will than repeat this same 4 shape on the same string two with string one.
Step 3 Repeat this same 4 shapes twice on each remaining string in the row moving from left to right. One you have string one all the way on the far right you will go back to the far left and repeat with the remaining strings.
Demonstration Follow along with Mrs. Francesconi to complete the diagonal bracelet pattern.
Studio Time Finish at least 5 rows of diagonal pattern to show you understand the pattern. Once done if you need to finish your pendant, earrings, or wire project get those done first. If you are done with everything keep going with the diagonal pattern and finish the bracelet.