Mind’s On – Labour Review What is a union? What do they want? Was the Bennett New Deal a positive response to the Great Depression? What were relief camps? What was the Social Credit Party?
Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (CCF) Formed in 1932 by a mixture of farmers, teachers, MP’s, labour groups, etc. This group was largely inspired by socialism Led by James Woodsworth, who was arrested for being part of the Winnipeg General Strike
First proposed the idea of the ‘welfare state’, which means that society should protect citizens from extreme hard times Was renamed the New Democratic Party (NDP) in 1961, now one of the major Canadian parties
On to Ottawa trek Inquiry Question: How did Canada respond to the economic crisis of the 30s?
Think share If you are being treated unfairly in the workplace what are your options?
Building a timeline Remember the concept of Cause and Consequence – When one thing happens (Cause) a number of things can be the result (Consequence) A job of the historian is to organize those events logically – To consider the sequence and rationalize consequences In this activity you will look at a series of points and in a group attempt to determine the order based on what you believe to be the most logical Cut the event cards on your sheet out and make a timeline As we go through them as a class make sure you have the right sequence Afterwards take a picture – that’s your note!
The On to Ottawa Trek Relief camp workers were upset about the conditions of the camps Although they were not supposed to unionize or organize, many did
In April 1935, 1500 men from BC’s relief camps went to Vancouver to go on strike By May over 20,000 were supporting them Vancouver did not have relief funds and wanted them out
Over 1000 strikers decided to ride the rails and take their message to Bennett in Ottawa They gained support with each stop across the prairies The government was terrified of a possible Communist uprising
The Trekkers were stopped in Regina, Sask. Only 8 leaders were allowed to continue to Ottawa Bennett refused to listen to their demands and they were turned back
The Regina Riots On July 1, 1935 2000-3000 Trekkers still in Regina were holding a meeting They were attacked by the RCMP
Aftermath of the Regina Riot The Trekkers were sent back to BC (with government money) Bennett heavily criticized for how he handled situation Camps were shut down within a year, welfare system and EI began
Cause and consequence: Inquiry Questions Write an answer to the question you have on your worksheet. After, meet with a classmate that has the opposite question and a) discuss and b) copy down their answer. Was the On to Ottawa Trek a success? Consider both short term and long term consequences. Is there any way to connect the Winnipeg General Strike to the On to Ottawa Trek?
Historical Significance Once again – our right to assemble and freedom of speech had been shut down by the government From now on, we will expect more and demand more from our government. Government response – the creation of the welfare state
Wrap Up – On a Scale Of… 10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Put a check beside the appropriate number in response to: On a scale of 1-10 how important is it to remember the On To Ottawa Trek?