CERN Personnel Statistics 2012 J. Purvis Group Leader HR-TA (Talent Acquisition)
HR Monitoring Improvements 2007 Statistics modified to include: Addition of historical information, benchmarking & more data 2008 Additional information on 5-yearly review measures International Indemnity, Family & Infant Allowance Additional trends on recruitment by nationality, staff, fellows & students Arrivals / Departures by Professional Category Inside HR : HR Dashboard 2009 Increased focus on monitoring Five-yearly reporting : Recruitment & Retention, Data comparison, FAS evolution 2010 Pro-active recruitment actions Pro-active actions for under-represented countries, Setting up of dedicated recruitment Centre of Expertise within HR 2011 Additional information on nationality & age Average age on recruitment & further recruitment details NMS nationality breakdown Integration of data on Associate & Candidate Member States 2012 Additional insights Breakdown of presence of users Recruitment challenges Clearer distinction of employed / associated members of personnel
Members of Personnel Pages: 6 - 7 Headcount of 2512, but CERN-funded available FTE of 2326 Continued increase in Users Increase in Fellows, also due to continued diversity of disciplines Compared with 10 years ago, significant change in staff : non-staff ratio next
Category Evolution Continued reduction of manual personnel Pages: 9,11 Continued reduction of manual personnel Administrative (Cat 5) personnel numbers remain stable Small increase in technical, scientific & research personnel associated with running of LHC and preparation for intense LS1 period next prev
Gender 10 year trend - globally positive trend Pages: 8,10 10 year trend - globally positive trend Stable numbers for staff. Good trend for Fellows and with Graduate Engineering Training Programme Possibly hitting limit of HEP demographics for users, but still regular small increases next prev
Age & Seniority next prev Continued decrease seniority (12) Pages: 16,25-26 Continued decrease seniority (12) Average age stabilising (44) Age & seniority gravitate to 44 & 12 respectively “Whale” shaped age-profile curb of the 90s is now completely smooth – almost Gaussian Almost 1/3rd staff less than 5 years of service and more than half staff less than 10 years of service next prev
Staff Recruitment next prev Pages: 30-31 Average age of new recruit is 34 (was 32 last year) 2012 attracted lots of candidates! Over 1,000 each from France, Greece, Italy , Portugal , Spain, Switzerland Despite significant efforts, still having difficulty attracting staff across several countries 8 Member States with less than 1% applicants, (although higher numbers) Austria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Slovakia 8% not attended interview 7% refused offer rate 11% of posts republished next prev
Arrivals & Departures Well balanced arrivals from19/20 Member States Pages: 37-39 Well balanced arrivals from19/20 Member States Higher departures in category 4 Favouring category 2 & 3 Entering a visible period of low retirement numbers Turnover 3.93%
LD IC ratio As workforce stabilises, LD-IC ratio remains healthy Pages: 15 As workforce stabilises, LD-IC ratio remains healthy As retirement numbers drop, expect IC numbers to increase slightly in order to retain excellence.
Conclusion 2012 2012 produced outstanding physics results thanks to excellent performance of the LHC machine, experiments & computing grid. This in turn helped to attract a record number of scientists, students and visitors. The statistics highlight the following challenges: We continue to increase performance on all fronts and serve an ever increasing number of users within fixed resource constraints. Pro-active outreach actions can be initiated to make a difference, but Despite efforts, we still have continued difficulties to attract candidates for staff positions from a number of Member States and across several professions.
Outreach initiatives for 2012 Lund University visit Lund Sweden 17.01.2012 Norway roadshow: University College of Narvik University College of Sør-Trøndelag NTNU Trondheim Several Norway 24.01.2012 27.01.2012 Turku job fair Turku Finland 08.02.2012 Big Bang Fair NEC Birmingham Birmingham United Kingdom 15.03.2012 DSE Copenhagen 2012 Copenhagen Denmark 28.03.2012 International Career Day Lausanne Switzerland 29.03.2012 Software Eng Tech roadshow Germany; Denmark; Belgium; Sweden; Switzerland; France; Greece; Austria; Netherlands 07.05.2012 Meet @ Köln Köln Germany 10.05.2012 Technician Roadshow Slovakia, UK, Germany, Finland, Denmark, Switzerland, Belgium and France 13.05.2012 FYSICA-CHEMIE 2012 Twente Netherlands 30.05.2012 Nuit des Chercheurs - CERN Geneva 21.09.2012 Czech roadshow : Technical Collage Electrical Engineering, Technical University of Prague Prague CZ 23.10.2012 Presentation, Profesiadays - Job Fair in Czech Republic, Brno Technical school; Brno Technical University 23.10.2012 – 25.10.2012 Career Center at AGH UST Cracow Poland 27.10.2012
Outreach initiatives for 2013 International Career fair Berlin Germany 26.01.2013 Trondheim Career Fair Trondheim Norway 06.02.2013 International Career Day Lausanne Switzerland 21.03.2013 Les Rencontres Internationales De La Radioprotection Valence France 25.03.2013 TU Day TU Career Vienna Austria 17.04.2013 Industrietag - Hochschule Furtwangen | Furtwangen University Furtwangen 24.04.2013 Empowering the Future - Twente University Twente the Netherlands 15.05.2013 CERN Opendays Geneva CH 27 – 29 .09.2013