Friday 11/17/2017
Science Log Semester 1 Week 12 Friday, November 17: Name the three types of galaxies. Which one is the Milky Way galaxy?
Order of cosmos, page 91 Solar system: Sun, planets, dwarf planets, moons, asteroids, comets Milky Way: stars, star clusters (open, globular), nebulae (star forming, planetary, supernova) Extragalactic: galaxies (spiral, irregular, elliptical)
7.2 Origins The cosmos is the largest structure studied by scientists. As we learned, the Hubble Space Telescope has provided images of galaxies that are billions of light-years away. Scientists who study the cosmos are called cosmologists. Cosmologists study the structure of the cosmos and try to figure out its history and future. One of the most important questions investigated by cosmologists is how things came to be the way they are. Where did the objects we see today come from? I have a cosmology question for you. Where did the solar system come from?
7.2 Origins Focus question 7.2 page 95 Where did the solar system come from?
Questions Act like a cosmologist and number these questions in order of how important you think they are . 1 least important, 7 most important Put questions on page 96
3. Questions about solar system origins. What were some questions you came up with? What was here before the solar system? Where did the planets and moons come from? What are planets and moons made of? Where did the Sun come from? Are there other solar systems like ours? Is there life in other places in the solar system? Did the solar system come from the big bang?
4. Solar System Origin cards This is a set of Solar System Origin cards. Each card represents one possible step in the sequence of events that resulted in the solar system. You should work with the other members of your group to see if you can put the stages of formation in order. Spread the cards out, you have 10 minutes to create a sequence.
Vocab 7.2 page 94 Accretion: sticking together Nebula: (plural nebulae): a cloud of gas and dust in space between stars NBS 40 Formation of the Solar System page 97 Record the names of the phases under the “Predicted sequence” column.
7. Sequences Solar System Origin Card Sort What occurred first? What is your reasoning. What is second?
8. Theoretical sequence Only a theory
Record this on the current theory column on NBS 40
9. Solar system formation Look at the current theory you recorded on your Formation of the Solar System sheets. Underneath the focus question, explain, as if you are telling a story, how the solar system formed. That means, don’t just list the ten steps, but see if you can describe the steps, from start to finish, to a friend or younger sibling who has never seen the cards we used today. Write this under your focus question on page 95.
10. Quick draw Take a look at your quick draw, add any feature that you do not have. Write a summary statement that reflects on what you originally thought and what you now think, giving specific examples from your original thoughts and from what you have learned. Tape into page 98