End of CORD Build, but the beginning of something great Bill Snow
Special Thanks to Our Event Sponsors Point here with foot
Special thanks to our event organizers Cassandra Blair Jo Marcus David Boswell William Quiviger Ashwin And to all of our track leads and speakers
New on CORD HA roadmap - automatically fix fiber cuts. Newsflash New on CORD HA roadmap - automatically fix fiber cuts.
AT&T changing procurement process to be agile
China Mobile China mobile - E-CORD, considering CORD as a platform for TIC
China Unicom and CIA China Unicom new CORD use case - network edge on demand for OTT partners
Multi-access edge - M-CORD and R-CORD DT Multi-access edge - M-CORD and R-CORD
Telecom Italia (TIM)
Event Observations AT&T, DT, NTT, Telefonica - doing field trials and want to move to production AT&T, DT, Telefonica, China Mobile, China Unicom - looking for commercial versions of CORD All confirm they are working on new supply chains with new value chain solutions like CORD
Observations Sprint making M-CORD code contributions QCT, Edgecore filling what used to be a void in white box hardware Netsia, Radisys, Ciena, QCT, Edgecore building product now, not waiting Speakers talking about wanting to form brigades
On the other hand...
Our challenges (opportunities) Community depth and diversity
Getting comfortable with open source Attorney fear - IP worries Difficulty of figuring out where line is - infra or value add? Is it a standard? Using the code, but not contributing back - competitive worries Lack of open source developer experience
Vendor/SP engagement models Too slow to see $ commitments - limits investment Never get to critical mass SP Vendor / bakeoff / RFQ/RFP process Even treat open source groups as vendors at times!
Ecosystem Where are the integrators? (old models) Show me the money first… (skills) We don’t have open source developers… New model in networking Huge opportunity for the company that figures this out… Looking for advanced integrator help in Asia - China Mobile, China Unicom, China Telecom - much opportunity for deploy, localization….
Other challenges (opportunities) Deploying in China Building and deploying CORD in China was difficult because of several issues but working with China Mobile we have made significant improvements in CORD 4.0, and are very happy to hear CM report successful deployment of three E-CORD PODS. The concept of “ready for prime time” If we can’t get xx number of customers then why do this service Edge as a service (platform) for your apps - local or global Communication - projects I hadn’t heard of (SPs building CORD pods, Flexcloudlabs, Aricent framework at this event)
On the other hand...
Service Provider Traction Europe Deutsche Telekom: R+M-CORD (Hybrid CORD) Telefonica: R-CORD, M-CORD Telecom Italia: M-CORD Colt: R-CORD Turk Telekom/Netsia: M-CORD & ONOS SDN Control North America AT&T: R-CORD, M-CORD (Multi-Service Edge), vOLTHA Verizon: M-CORD Sprint: M-CORD Comcast: R-CORD CenturyLink: R-CORD Google: CORD Asia & Australia China Unicom: M-CORD, E-CORD China Mobile: M-CORD and E-CORD NTT: R-CORD SK Telecom: M-CORD Telstra: M-CORD Reliance Jio: M-CORD Interest continues to grow on a monthly basis. Many successful POCs and lab trials and a few field trials
Final Observation When did you last see more than 20 service providers so quickly converge and agree on a reference platform?
CORD Summary Network edge is undergoing a major transformation Represents a huge opportunity CORD has emerged as a compelling platform for the new network edge Leverages disaggregation, open source and white boxes Puts SDN, NFV and cloud technologies into a compelling solution Many service providers experimenting and have plans for trials and deployment CORD has a growing community of 60+ companies representing various stakeholders CORD has been demonstrated to support all three domains of use Residential (R-CORD) Mobile (M-CORD) Enterprise (E-CORD)
A personal viewpoint You are what you do Find a mission you care about, and a group of people you want to associate with. Serve in that mission Open Source makes it easy for anyone
Opportunities to get involved Data modelling, QA, Coding, technical documentation Onboard your favorite VNF/service Help make the CI/CD process better Help us work with other projects - be a bridge - OPNFV, ONAP... Events assistance, Marketing, PR Product ownership, Release management Writing, blogging about solutions ...
Get involved Don’t settle Make an impact - you can, and will
Transform people’s lives through a new network edge Join our mission
Thank you, see you soon!