Research paper writing 101 How to keep from stumbling while writing a research paper.
What is a thesis? A thesis statement is a statement/assertion that requires evidence and support. Every point you make in your paper is made in an effort to prove your thesis statement true. A thesis statement takes a stand! Must be a complete sentence. It is typically the last sentence of the first paragraph. A thesis statement is narrow so that it can be sufficiently supported. A thesis statement is specific. A thesis statement has one main point.
A thesis statement is not… Two conflicting ideas. So broad that it is difficult to discuss all of the relevant information. Does not announce the subject (that is called a title). General or vague. A universally agreed upon fact or observation.
example Incorrect: The concentration camps during the Holocaust were awful and inhumane. Correct: The concentration camp Buchenwald was the most brutal of all of the camps during the Holocaust. Incorrect: Elie Wiesel suffered greatly during the Holocaust. Correct: Elie Wiesel’s horrific experiences during the Holocaust caused him to loose his faith in God.
Mla format 12 Font Times New Roman Double Spaced No title page. Last name and page # belong in the top right hand corner of each page after page 1. (found in headers and footers) Left side on the first page First and Last Name Teacher Class Day, Month, Year
Works cited page Alphabetical Order Double Spaced/Hanging Do not rely on websites such as EasyBib. They are fine as long as you check the quality using the handout that was given to you. No header or footer.
General mechanical/grammatical mistakes Spelling Word Choice Paragraphs Each new idea presented should be the start of a new paragraph. Organization-logical sequential order of ideas. Good transitions. State your arguments! Do not tiptoe around them…be confident. Be consistent (numbers, dates, ect.)