Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
The Gospel: Accepted & Rejected Acts 13:4-52 Barnabas & Saul chosen by the Holy Spirit & Sent by the church in Antioch Antioch to Salamis
The Gospel: Accepted & Rejected Acts 13:4-52 Went to Synagogues First John Mark was with them as a helper
Ministry in Paphos Acts 13:6-12 Bar-Jesus = Son of Jesus or Joshua (Lord is salvation) Elymas = magician Sergius Paulus is Proconsul
Ministry in Paphos Acts 13:6-12 Elymas’ character = Deceit (doloV / dolos) – “a snare” Fraud (rJa/iourgiva / rhadiourgia) - unscrupulousness Son of devil (slanderer) Paul blinds Elymas The Proconsul believes
Travel to Pisidian Antioch Acts 13:13 They Travel from Paphos to Perga John Mark leaves
Ministry in Pisidian Antioch Acts 13:14-52 Travel from Perga to Pisidian Antioch They are invited to speak in the Synagogue
Paul’s Sermon Acts 13:16-41 The Prophetic History of Jesus – 16-25 The Death & Resurrection of Jesus – 26-31 Prophetic Fulfillment & Hope in Jesus - 32-39 Warnings – 40-41
The Responses Acts 13:42-52 Some want to hear more the next Sabbath, some follow immediately Nearly the whole city comes The Jews are jealous – non-proselyte Gentiles are being given the gospel Paul rebukes them & turns to the Gentiles, bringing joy to them
Persecution Acts 13:50 After some time – the jealous Jews incited the city leaders They drove Barnabas and Paul out
Departure Acts 13:51-52 The shook the dust off their feet They went to Iconium They had joy & the Holy Spirit
Conclusions Opposition and even persecution often follow times of great success It is our relationship with the Lord, not our circumstances, that should determine our attitudes and actions Are you finding joy in your relationship with the Lord regardless of circumstances? If not, then talk & pray with someone before you leave.
Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ
The love of Christ proclaim, ‘Til all the world adore Lift High The Cross Hymn # 450 Lift high the Cross, The love of Christ proclaim, ‘Til all the world adore His sacred Name. George Kitchin, Michael Newbolt, Sydney Nicholson ©1986 Word Music, ARR UBP CCLI 378119
Come, Christians, follow Where our Savior trod, Our King victorious, Christ, the Son of God.
The love of Christ proclaim, ‘Til all the world adore Lift high the Cross, The love of Christ proclaim, ‘Til all the world adore His sacred Name.
Conquering ranks combine. Led on their way by This triumphant sign, The hosts of God in Conquering ranks combine.
The love of Christ proclaim, ‘Til all the world adore Lift high the Cross, The love of Christ proclaim, ‘Til all the world adore His sacred Name.
O Lord, once lifted On this glorious tree, As Thou hast promised, Draw men unto Thee.
The love of Christ proclaim, ‘Til all the world adore Lift high the Cross, The love of Christ proclaim, ‘Til all the world adore His sacred Name.
Set up Thy throne That earth’s despair May cease Beneath the shadow Of its healing peace.
The love of Christ proclaim, ‘Til all the world adore Lift high the Cross, The love of Christ proclaim, ‘Til all the world adore His sacred Name.
Which doth for all atone, For Thy blest Cross Which doth for all atone, Creation’s praises Rise before Thy throne.
The love of Christ proclaim, ‘Til all the world adore Lift high the Cross, The love of Christ proclaim, ‘Til all the world adore His sacred Name.