MUNICIPAL BUDGETED PROPERTY TAX COMPARISON The following is a yearly property tax comparison from FY 2004-2005 to FY 2013-2014:
EXPENDITURE HIGHLIGHTS The following compares by major expenditure object the FY 2012-2013 budget with the FY 2013-2014 proposed budget: Dollar Percentage BUDGET Increase OBJECT FY 2012-2013 FY 2013-2014 (Decrease) Personnel 19,104,111 19,459,523 355,412 1.86% Operations & Maintenance 10,941,584 11,405,420 463,836 4.24% Capital Expenditure 19,481,071 19,425,672 (55,399) (0.28%) Debt Service 3,293,437 3,181,016 (112,421) (3.41%) Transfers 2,239,529 2,378,718 139,189 6.22% Fund Ending Balance 13,988,963 16,985,121 2,996,158 21.42% TOTAL 69,048,695 72,835,470 3,786,775 5.48%
Budgets by Fund Dollar Percentage Budgeted Increase FUND 2012-2013 2013-2014 (Decrease) General Fund 21,827,903 22,911,907 1,084,004 4.97% Sewer Fund 12,150,616 12,172,737 22,121 0.18% Water Fund 7,928,130 8,394,058 465,928 5.88% Group Insurance Fund 5,751,880 6,024,289 272,409 4.74% Debt Service Fund 4,460,505 5,286,633 826,128 18.52% 52,119,034 54,789,624 2,670,590 5.12% All Other Funds 16,929,661 18,045,846 1,116,185 6.59% TOTAL 69,048,695 72,835,470 3,786,775 5.48%
General Fund Revenues Dollar Percentage Budgeted Increase Source 2012-2013 2013-2014 (Decrease) Taxes 9,982,409 10,288,871 306,462 3.07% Licenses & Permits 186,025 204,975 18,950 10.19% Intergovernmental Revenues 496,099 491,627 (4,472) (0.90%) Charges for Service 1,572,249 1,883,031 310,782 19.77% Rent & Other Revenue 5,136,486 5,347,622 211,136 4.11% Other Interest Income 3,800 4,200 400 10.53% Non-Revenue Receipts 730,000 700,000 (30,000) (4.11%) Total Revenues 18,107,068 18,920,326 813,258 4.49%
General Fund Expenditures Dollar Percentage Budgeted Increase Division 2012-2013 2013-2014 (Decrease) Administration 3,838,905 4,054,358 215,453 5.61% Engineering 624,981 641,867 16,886 2.70% Street Maintenance 2,551,235 2,725,333 174,098 6.82% Park Maintenance 1,393,585 1,483,196 89,611 6.43% Housing 482,322 515,798 33,476 6.94% Recreation 754,266 785,157 30,891 4.10% Library 1,360,975 1,408,376 47,401 3.48% Auditorium* 146,653 - (146,653) (100.00%) Fire 3,826,043 4,034,857 208,814 5.46% Police 5,062,165 5,239,336 177,171 3.50% Total Expenditures 20,041,130 20,888,278 847,148 4.23% * Auditorium budget merged with Park Maintenance budget beginning in fiscal year 2013-2014.