Contents Unit I Parametric Methods for Power Spectrum Estimation Unit II Non-Parametric Methods for Power Spectrum Estimation Unit III Adaptive Signal Processing Unit IV Multirate Signal Processing Unit V Discrete Transforms
Reference Books John G.Proakis, Dimitris G.Manobakis, “Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms and Applications”, Third edition, PHI, 2001. (Main REF for this Unit) Monson H.Hayes, “Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling”, Wiley, 2002. Roberto Crist, “Modern Digital Signal Processing”, Thomson Brooks/Cole, 2004. Raghuveer. M. Rao, Ajit S.Bopardikar, “Wavelet Transforms, Introduction to Theory and applications”, Pearson Education, Asia, 2000. K.P Soman, K.I Ramachnadran and N.G Reshmi, “Insights into wavelets: From theory to Practice”, 3rd Edition,PHI,2010.
Why multirate? In many practical applications, a sampling rate needs to be converted (either increased or decreased). For instance, a sampling rate of 44.1 kHz is used in audio CD, while video DVD (and DVD audio) format assumes audio signals sampled at 48 kHz. To make an audio CD of a movie sound-track, decrease of sampling rate is needed. Another example is conversion of composite video signals from NTSC (sampling rate of 14.3181818 MHz) to PAL (sampling rate of 17.734475 MHz) and back. Digital component video signal is sampled at 13.5 MHZ and 6.75 MHz for the luminance and chrominance components respectively, which requires rete conversion too Sampling Rate conversion can be done by: 1. D/A conversion followed by A/D conversion at a different rate – advantage: arbitrary sampling rate disadvantage: distortion during A/D and quantization noise during D/A; 2. Sampling rate conversion in digital domain – subject of our discussion;
Introduction Sampling rate conversion can also be viewed as resampling of the same analog signal. Thus, obtaining ym from xn is equivalent to sampling x(t) at the other sampling rate. ym is a time-shifted version of xn. Such a shift can be done by a linear filter with a flat magnitude and linear phase responses: i.e. with a frequency response of exp(-jωτi), where τi is the time delay. Not equal sampling rates imply that the amount of time shift vary from sample to sample. Therefore, a rate converter can be implemented with a set of linear filters having the same flat magnitude response but generating different time delays.
Decimation by a factor D
Decimation by a factor D
Decimation by a factor D
Decimation by a factor D
Decimation by a factor D
Decimation by a factor D
Interpolation by a factor I
Interpolation by a factor I
Interpolation by a factor I
Interpolation by a factor I
Rate conversion by a factor I/D
Rate conversion by a factor I/D
Rate conversion by a factor I/D
Filter design and implementation
Filter design and implementation
Filter design and implementation
Filter design and implementation
Filter design and implementation
Filter design and implementation
Filter design and implementation
Filter design and implementation
Filter design and implementation
Filter design and implementation
Filter design and implementation
Filter design and implementation
Filter design and implementation