Index Fossil Record This is what the scientists have put together to use to measure the age of the different index fossils.
Model: How to Use Index Fossils Steps: Look at the fossils Find them on your index fossil chart Look to how old (in millions of years) the fossils are Find the rock layer the fossils are in- these rock layers are as old as the fossils that are in them
. How old is Layer M? How old is layer I? How old could Layer F Be? Does this fit with the law of superpostion? Explain
1. 1.
7. How old is layer I? How do you know? Which index fossil did you use? How old is layer M? How do you know? Which index fossil did you use? How old is layer R? How do you know? Which index fossil did you use? Does this rock layer follow the Law of Superposition? Why or why not? Are you using relative or absolute dating when discovering the age of the rock layers?
Warm Up 1. What is the difference between relative and absolute age and how do you find each? What is Layer H called? Which Layer is the youngest? Using the fossils, how old is Layer R, how old is Layer I? Do the ages match the Law of Superposition?