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Presentation transcript:


WHY? Major inadequacyies in data collection and management in the Caribbean: Lack of a harmonized data collection system. Inadequately trained staff together with weak staff complement Lack of involvement of community based organisations and non-governmental organisations in promoting data and information collection and sharing Negative attitude of stakeholders to providing reliable data. Lack of understanding by stakeholders as to need of data for use in assessment. Weak and inadequate legal and policy commitment to the collection, sharing, management and use of data and information in planning and decision-making Inadequate equipment. Outdated / discontinued maintenance of the software (CARIFIS) and inadequate use of modern Information and Communication Techonologies (ICT) tools such as smartphones and social networking platforms Lack of financial resources to facilitate comprehensive data collection and training in the relevant analyses. Current situation: Major fisheries target stocks overfished Demand for fish is increasing Imports of fish are increasing Actions needed: Rebuilding of depleted stocks Conservation of stocks that are close to depletion/being overfished Management of fisheries at national and regional level However: fisheries management and conservation decision making processes need data and information, which is inadequate at present. Source : FAO statistics

WHO? STAKEHOLDERS FISHERIES MANAGERS AND DECISION MAKERS at national and regional level need data and information about fisheries, fish stocks and related subjects to fulfil their management mandate FISHERS looking for improving their business, investment and market opportunities and participation in management of the resources need information on # vessels, landings, stocks, market prices, etc. OTHER FISHERIES SECTOR STAKEHOLDERS (e.g. retailers, processors, importers/exporters, tourism operators) to make business decisions related to the supply of and demand for fish and fisheries products

WHO? TARGETED COUNTRIES CARIFORUM Antigua and Barbuda, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Dominican Republic. = 16 countries + EU OTs? Partnership arrangements possible with other countries and territories

WHAT IS NEEDED? Specific objectives: To STRENGTHEN Caribbean countries’ CAPACITIES in producing science based evidence for sound management decision making in both fishery and aquaculture sub-sectors, through cost-effective and innovative fisheries and resources management information systems. To promote REGIONAL COLLABORATION and sharing of data and information among Caribbean countries and their integration in a regional governance context equipped with data and statistics to support implementation of Regional Fishery Management Plans, fisheries and stocks status/trends monitoring, and for combatting IUU fishing. To support CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION in the Caribbean Fisheries sector through facilitating the integration of climate change information into fisheries management decision making processes.

WHEN? NOW, because: SDG 14, COP21 and Aichi targets that need to be met. Fisheries data and information availability has shown a downward trend in the Caribbean in this century, compare to last century. With limited staff and resources fisheries managers need other innovative ways to rebuild their fisheries management information systems. Existing projects and programmes have identified the needs –we know where are the bottlenecks and how to solve them. FISHERS are interested to team-up with the public sector to collect data and increase information availability for co-management purposes. Opportunity for EU DEVCO funding under the 11th EDF.

Max 80% of total project cost can be funded by EU DEVCO CONDITIONS and PROCESS? Max 80% of total project cost can be funded by EU DEVCO 20% co-finance needed - confirmation CARIFORUM Secretariat endorsement Country level approval Partner agency endorsement Submision of project agreement to EU DEVCO STEPS: CONCEPT NOTE ACTION DOCUMENT GRANT AGREEMENT IMPLEMENTATION AGENCY: FAO – HQs (FIRMS Secretariat) EXECUTING AGENCIES: Departments of Fisheries at country level, CRFM and WECAFC

IMPLEMENTATION STRUCTURE Regional project Coordinator (RPC) P4 + a fisheries statistician P2 Donor FAO/WECAFC Project Steering Committee EU Sub-regional Office for the Caribbean (SLC) Partners EU OTs Admin assistance G3 FIRMS secretarial, administrative & operational support NOAA Project Coordination Unit at FIRMS Secretariat IMPLEMENTATION STRUCTURE CNFO 5Cs Technical support from: WECAFC Headquarters UWI WECAFC CRFM Country A Country Z Contribute experts & linkage with other projects NPD NPD Data base manager P2 Statistician International expertise as needed National Project Committees (NPSC) including main stakeholders Project activities at regional level Project activities at national level

WHAT? RESULTS – national level Result 1: Improved and more integrated fisheries management information systems in place (in at least 8) selected countries, implementing sound statistical data collection through innovative and efficient methods such as mobile phones and tablets, and involved fishers; Result 2: Better aquaculture statistics to make informed decisions for sector development and management to increase its contribution to socio- economic development and food security, through implementation of a mix of simple data collection mechanisms, networking and application of innovative IT technologies; Result 3: Strengthened institutional capacity of fisheries statistical services at national level in at least 8 selected countries through improved policy, legal and institutional frameworks for fisheries.

WHAT? RESULTS – regional level Result 4: A regional training and capacity building framework in statistics and stock assessment, including curriculum(s), toolkits, courses and institutional arrangements for training delivery and scholarships; Result 5: A long-term maintainable CARIFIS-2 software framework tailored and deployed for use by CRFM Member Countries; Result 6: An education-outreach-communication framework aimed at involving fishers in co-managed data collection activities, including guidelines, best practices, and a toolkit and library of information assets; Result 7: An operational Regional Data Base hosted by WECAFC, addressing the needs of various geographic scopes and objectives (e.g. CRFM), including a Regional Vessel Register, IUU vessel list, Catch and Effort statistics for fisheries and stock status monitoring, and biological data for stock assessment; Result 8: A regional data governance framework underpinned by regionally endorsed Data policies and capacity to promote a standard, harmonized and cost efficient approach to regional statistics production and to operate data flows in support of Fishery Management Plans and joint WECAFC- CRFM-OSPESCA working groups;

WHAT? RESULTS – Crosscutting – climate change Result 9: Established and functional linkages (in at least 5 countries) between data and information sources on climate change and fisheries through Decision Support Systems (DSS) facilitating fisheries management decision making processes; Result 10: Advisory services for fisheries stakeholders, providing water temperature, water currents, sargassum occurrence and weather information and forecasts through innovative Apps, mapping software and linked databases. Linkages are to be made with ongoing projects and activities: CLME+ CRFM-WECAFC Working Groups WECAFC-FIRMS partnership CC4Fish project BlueBridge and i-Marine

Indicators of Success (some examples) O1.R1.I1 Number of improved national fisheries statistical systems, producing statistics with sex-disaggregated stakeholders component O1.R1.I2 Number of improved national fisheries statistical systems, enabling a Catch Documentation Scheme component O1.R1.I3 - Number of national institutions with enhanced Staff skills in statistical data collection and socio-economic trends analysis O1.Ri.I4 – Number of NGOs and stakeholder communities engaged in Co- management arrangements for data collection O1.R2.I1 - number of countries with updated inventories of aquaculture farming systems, with sex-disaggregated employment component, feeding into improved national aquaculture statistics O1.R3.I1 - Number of countries with updated fisheries legal frameworks that secure data and information collection and availability O2.R7.I2 - MoU established between FAO, WECAFC, CRFM, OSPESCA addressing the long term maintenance of the RDB. O2.R7.I3 Number of countries reporting the regional database

PROJECT TITLE and ACCRONYM? Current draft title: Supporting the adaptation to Climate Change in the Caribbean region through improved evidence-base underpinning strengthened marine resources sustainability and food security and reduced poverty. Options: FishID4CC = Fisheries information development for climate change adaptation in the Caribbean FIT4CC = Fisheries information technology innovations for resource management and climate change adaptation in the Caribbean. OTHERS IDEAS?

PROJECT OVERALL OBJECTIVE Current draft overall objective: To adapt to climate change by achieving sustainable shared fishery resources and their efficient use towards improved food security and reduced poverty in the region, including through responsible trade. The EU Caribbean Regional Indicative Programme (2014-2020) specific objectives: 2.1 Improve regional resilience to impacts of climate change and natural disasters affecting sustained economic and social development 2.2 To support regional capacity for the suitable use of natural resources Option: To increase resilience to climate change impacts in the Caribbean fisheries sector, through building capacity for fisheries management information systems, sustainable management of shared fisheries resources and introduction of adaptation measures. OTHERS IDEAS?

FINAL REMARKS Interest in this project? – building ownership & agreeing on the process are important. We are just here, and need your guidance Endorsement by the Working Group can be an important step in the formulation/appraisal process.

THANK YOU Marc Taconet Raymon van Anrooy Yann Laurent THANK YOU