Welcome to Leen Mills Primary School
These are the doors to come inside. School starts at 8. 45am These are the doors to come inside. School starts at 8.45am. Doors open between 8.40 and 8.45am. School ends at 3.15pm.
This is where we hang our coats and our PE bags This is where we hang our coats and our PE bags. Your child will need black shorts, a white tee-shirt and plimsolls in a bag and clearly named please. Please can you also name your child's coat.
This is the uniform we wear. We have got our clothes clearly named.
We have a book bag to carry our reading books to school.
The Curriculum Three Prime Areas Personal, social and emotional development Making relationships, Self-confidence and self awareness, Managing feelings and behaviour Communication language Listening and attention, Understanding, Speaking Physical development Moving and handling, Health and self care
Four Specific Areas Literacy Mathematics Understanding of the world Reading and Writing Mathematics Numbers, Shape Space and measure Understanding of the world People and Communities, The World, Technology Creative development Exploring and using Media and Materials, Being Imaginative
The areas of learning are incorporated into half term topics or themes The areas of learning are incorporated into half term topics or themes. Our aim is to encourage your child to become an active learner: to be confident, well motivated, independent and ready for the more formal curriculum at Key Stages 1 and 2
Come and join the fun!
Sometimes we work on our own
and sometimes we work with an adult
And there is always time to play outside!
We are so busy we don’t need to bring our own toys to school We are so busy we don’t need to bring our own toys to school. It would be very sad if they got lost or broken
We are ready for PE. PE sessions will be on a Wednesday and a Friday. We have our names in our PE kit and keep it in a bag hanging on our pegs. When we do PE we do not wear jewellery. This would be very dangerous and we could get hurt!
Why not stay for lunch. The children are entitled to a free school lunch. Water is always available to accompany the children’s meal.
We have a team of Mid-day Supervisors who look after us at lunch time.
How can you help There will be a time when your child is encouraged to share and talk about things from home. In your child’s book bag you will find a scrap book in which they can write, draw and stick mementos they wish to share with their friends during discussion time. These can also be used to put home achievements in, for example swimming awards, photographs showing your child putting on their own coat and fastening it! Your child baking or helping you around the home.
Our Home Bag Your child will be given the ‘home bag’ to fill with one favourite toy, photos, something they have made, something that is special, so that they can show the class and talk about what they have put in the bag.
Home work Your child will bring home reading books and letters and sounds activities to share with you. There will be reading record book which you are most welcome to make comments in about your child’s reading. Also your child will be given an activity to do with you at home. For example: count the steps up to bed. Find the numbers on doors on the way home.
“I can do” folder This folder will give you the opportunity to find out what activities your child has been engaged in and how your child is progressing You will find photographs, observations, assessments, anecdotes and some examples of your child’s work at school. Your child will enjoy talking to you about what they have done in school.
Your child can expect a fun packed time and at the end of the day…
Illness or absence Please give us a ring if your child is unwell and therefore not attending school. We can give your child medicines with your written permission. There are forms at the Reception desk.
Mrs Burton helps us at Breakfast club. Breakfast club is open from 7 Mrs Burton helps us at Breakfast club. Breakfast club is open from 7.30am every morning and costs £2.50