Birth and Babies in the UK
Rules for Chinese Women during Pregnancy Make a list of Chinese “rules” for pregnant women. “Pregnant women should _______.” “Pregnant women should not _______.”
What to do during pregnancy Advice in the UK Stay active, start exercising Take folic acid Stick to a sensible diet and be choosy about eating seafood Make sure you have all your screening tests Visit your Dentist Schedule a Flu injection Wear Your Seatbelt Break up your travel
What NOT to do during pregnancy Advice in the UK Don't drink too much coffee Don’t drink alcohol Don’t smoke Don't choose to deliver early Don’t eat raw, unpastureized, or processed foods.
Birth Pre-birth: how many children can I have? The government in the UK does not control how many children anyone has, or how frequently. Currently, the biggest family living together in Britain (where all the children have the same mother and father) has 14 children. But the largest ever recorded family in the UK had 37 children from the same mother or father
The average number of children per household today In 1971, the average number of children per married or cohabiting couples was 2; it is now 1.7. Families say that financial reasons are the main reason why they are not able to have another child. It has been shown that to raise a child from birth to 21 can cost as much as 270,000 pounds, so more people are having just one child.
Is it better to have a boy or a girl? There appears to be no clear preference for either boys or girls in the UK population in general. Some believe that boys are harder to bring up, more aggressive and less easy to manage. Having children may not mean that they will look after you in your old age. Many adult children move away after marrying and may even live abroad.
Caring for the old There is no formal tradition for looking after parents in their old age in the UK. While some families do this, it is not seen to be the role of the son to take on this responsibility. Families would discuss the need when it arises, and work out how best to help their parent or parents.
Which – boy or girl? In China, is it better to have a boy rather than a girl? Why?
Registering a Birth In the UK your baby must be registered in the district where the birth took place within 42 days of the birth in England and Wales. This can often be done at the hospital before the mother goes home, or at your local register office.
Baptism, Thanksgiving or Civil Naming Ceremony? In the UK it has been common for babies to be baptised (christened) in the first few months of their life. This is a Christian ceremony held in church There are other ceremonies that you can have if you are not religious or don’t wish to make binding promises at this stage in your child’s life. This may be a family gathering in order to give thanks for the safe arrival of the baby. A Civil Naming Ceremony can be arranged. This allows you to celebrate the birth of your child without any religious content.
Baptism – some basics The child may have at least three ‘godparents’, whose role is to pray for the child and assist him in his spiritual life. The child will have two godparents of the same sex, and one of the opposite sex (a girl has 2 godmothers and a godfather, whereas a boy will have 2 godfathers and a godmother). The priest will conduct the ceremony at the place in the church called the ‘font’, which will be full of water. The water will be sprinkled on the head of the baby. The child is welcomed into the Church.
Birth ceremonies in China In China, do you have naming ceremonies for new babies? If not, do you have any other ceremonies or traditions around the time of the birth of a new child?