Louisiana State Personnel Development Grant 2016-2021 Personnel Development (PD) Grant to improve outcomes for SWD Awarded to the LDOE in 2016 for 5 years Funded by Office of Special Education Programs Project staff is employed by LSU
Grant Timeline Grant Dates: Feb. 1, 2017 – Sept. 30, 2021 Start Up – Feb. 1, 2017 – June 30, 2017 School Years: July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2018 July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019 July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020 July 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021 Wrap Up – July 1, 2021 – Sept. 30, 2021
Literacy Goal: All students will be able to read, understand, and express their understanding of grade level texts SSIP Goal: Increase ELA proficiency (basic and above) rates on statewide assessments for students with disabilities in grades 3-5 in 9 LEAs across the state
Project Staff LDOE SPDG Director – Kristi-Jo Preston | LDOE SPDG Project Staff P.I. – Dr. Ken Denny Coordinator – Dr. Summer Whitmore Evaluator – Monica Ballay System Coach: -Wendy Allen -Kala Burrell-Craft -Pamdora Williams
Data Driven Decision Making LaSPDG Goal Improve literacy outcomes for SWD through the development of a systematic PD framework using evidence-based practices Data Driven Decision Making Literacy Family Partnerships Coaching
LaSPDG Logic Model Goal: Improve literacy outcomes for SWD through the development of a systematic PD framework of evidence-based practices (DDDM, Literacy Strategies, Coaching, and Family Partnerships) at the district, school, teacher, and family levels. PD Practices Objectives Activities Outputs Outcomes -DDDM -Literacy Strategies -Coaching -Family Partnerships -Provide PD Practices -Implementation PD Practices -Provide Follow-Up PD Practices -Create DLTs & SLTs -DLTs & SLTs meets quarterly and develops action plan -Participate in Initial PD -Participate in On-going PD -Participate in Follow-up PD -PD Material -Resources -Action Plans -Analyzed Data -Activity Reports -Website -Increase PD Practices -Increase implementation of PD Practices -Sustain PD Practices -Increase formative literacy results for SWD -Increase literacy proficiency for SWD
PD Framework Systematic PD framework with supportive infrastructures Effective implementation of literacy practices with fidelity Scale-up evidence-based literacy practices PD Schedule: Annual initial PD @ Summer Leadership Launch On-going PD with PLCs and online learning Follow-up support (system and instruction coaches)
Project Support for Planning & Development Literacy | Dr. Jill Allor & Dr. Jeanne Wanzek Data-Driven Decision Making | Dr. Michelle Duda Coaching | NCIS (Katherine Nagle) Family Partnerships | Dr. Joyce Epstein LaPTIC | Mary Jacob (Executive Director)
LaSPDG Partners 9 LEAs & SPDG Staff Bossier & Sabine (Kala) Vermilion & Calcasieu (Monica) St. Bernard & Algiers (Pamdora) Pointe Coupee (Summer) WBR (Wendy) IHE = Louisiana State University (LSU) Louisiana Parent Training and Information Center (LaPTIC)
Systems of Support “Implementation Teams” State SPDG/SSIP Provide guidance, funding, support Build capacity across LEAs DLTs (9 LEAs) Provide guidance, funding & support Build capacity across schools SLTs (2-5 Schools per LEA) Provide guidance and manages implementation PLCs with coaching Provide support Literacy (PD) Practices Build capacity across subjects & grades Teachers ELA Grades 3-5 Implement Literacy Practices SWD Grades 3-5 Improve Literacy Families of SWD Provide literacy support to students
Evidence-based Literacy Practices Literacy strategies on the reading acquisition processes: -Phonemic awareness -Phonics -Fluency -Vocabulary -Comprehension -Spelling and writing Support LDOE’s focus that every student will be able to read, understand and express grade level texts
Coaching: Three-Tiered System Improve evidence-based instructional literacy practices through an multi-tiered coaching service delivery plan to improve literacy outcomes for SWD System Coaches = SPDG Staff Regional Support Coach = External Literacy Coach Internal Coach = School/District Staff SPDG Coach Regional Coach Internal Coach Teacher
Data-Driven Decision Making (DDDM) The collection and analysis of data to guide decisions that improve success Systemic Approach with leadership team, data analysis, action plan, implementation with fidelity, and assessing outcomes Implemented at district, school, teacher and family levels Leadership Team Data Analysis Action Plan Implement w/Fidelity Assess Outcomes
Family Partnerships Supporting schools and families of SWD with literacy through partnerships District & School Support -Provide PD and support to DLTs and SLTs on family partnerships -Develop high impact family partnership activities Teacher Support -Receive PD and support on link family partnerships to student learning -Assist with the developing of an action plan with strategies to engage families Family Support -Provide PD and support to family on literacy practices for school/district -Receive communication, training, and support from family partners
www.laspdg.org The contents of this PowerPoint presentation were developed under a grant from the US Department of Education, #H323A110003. However those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.