Concurrent Education Practice Teaching 2011-2012
PLACEMENT DATES February 21-24,2012 April 30-May 11, 2012
FUTURE PLACEMENT DATES School Year Placement Schedule Enrollment Year: 2010 2011/2012 Year Three: 3 PT weeks: February 21-24, 2012 April 30-May 11, 2012 2012/2013 Year Four: 13 weeks of placements
GETTING A PLACEMENT Return Board Choice form to Sandra Minor by March 4, 2011. Sign the Practicum Information Form and return to Sandra Minor by March 4, 2011. Students are required to complete a new criminal reference check in order to practice teach.
GETTING A PLACEMENT Reminder that you do not contact teachers or school boards on your own. As soon as placement has been confirmed, you will receive your placement through email and/or webadvisor.
The Placement It is possible that you will have more than one placement at the same school. Will provide experience in both Primary and Junior divisions during your next three years. Cannot request a specific grade, teacher or school. Placement dates cannot be changed.
During Your Placement Contact Sandra Minor as well as your Associate Teacher if you are sick and will miss a day. If you miss three or more days due to illness, a doctor’s note is required. Contact Sandra Minor right away if you are experiencing difficulty or have questions regarding your placement. If your AT did NOT receive their package prior to placement, please notify me IMMEDIATELY!
Criminal Reference Check All students are to show proof of a cleared criminal reference check. Presently, we are waiting to determine if students will utilize the Ontario Education Services Corporation (OESC), who administers criminal checks for all education programs throughout Ontario, or if students will be requested to go to their local police station. I will send you an email no later than June 1, 2011 to indicate the process by which you are to obtain your criminal check.
Option Courses Option courses will be limited. Religious Education in Roman Catholic Schools will be provided. Offered in your third year of the program.
May Placement Mon. May 2 Tues. May 3 Wed. May 4 Thurs. May 5 Fri. May 6 Observation teach 1 co- planned lesson Teach 1 lesson Teach 1 or 2 lessons
Your Logbook You will continue to record observations in your Practice Teaching Binder using charts as outlined below. Add information to the charts you started in October Continue to maintain your Practice Teaching Binder
YEAR TWO REFLECTIONS ON PRACTICE TEACHING 2010-2011 Placement EXPECTATIONS: The teacher candidate will: 1. Demonstrate how observations and connections will shape his/her future teaching practices. 2. Communicate observations in an organized and professional written format. PROCEDURE: Write up a two page report that includes: Identifying some of the activities, support, and one on one assistance that you provided during this past week to help students with their learning. Using your observations from the classroom, write a reflective summary describing what you have learned about teaching. Your summary should discuss how these observations will impact your future teaching practice. Mail your report to Andrejs Kulnieks, Practice Teaching Placement Coordinator on Monday May 9, 2011.
Questions??? Sandra Minor, Practice Teaching Placement Coordinator 705-474-3461 ext. 4224 Carole Richardson, Associate Dean 705-474-3461 ext. 4269