Predictable phases of teaching The first year!
Top 5 Concerns of New Teachers 1. Classroom arrangement and management 2. Curriculum planning and pacing 3. Establishing a grading system that’s fair 4. Parent conferences 5. Personal sanity
Anticipation Nervousness Excitement Enthusiasm Romantic role of education and the teacher
Survival Approximately two to three weeks into the school year Caught off guard about reality of teaching Faced with problems and circumstances without warning Struggle to keep head about water Focused and consumed 70 hour work weeks Mentor or principal issues
Disillusionment Phase Question commitment and competence Start to get sick Waning self esteem Classroom management source of distress Toughest phase
Rejuvenation Slow improvement in outlook towards teaching Usually starts after Christmas break Sense of accomplishment Better coping strategies and skills Relief, enjoying students
Reflection Towards the end of the year Highlight successful events and think about those which were not Start deciding on changes Sentences start with “Next year I’d like to try…” Sense of pride
REALITY Teachers will... Work long hours Work harder that you have ever worked before get sick easily Bond with students and colleagues have a mentor and your supervisor and staff for support!
What is important to remember is that You are not alone. Everyone else is going through the same feelings, those who are veteran teachers just experiencing it to a lesser degree. You will have support from your mentor and supervisor and others. If you have problems, contact someone from ACC immediately!
We will survive together!