Advisor: Prof Ronen Brafman RoboCleaner Maayan Cohen Advisor: Prof Ronen Brafman
Goal The robot detects misplaced objects in a room, calculates their position and picks them up, taking and dropping them in the trash can.
Introduction RoboCleaner is a ROS (Robot Operating System) package, specifically . It is Comprised of several Nodes each in charge of a different function. The nodes communicate with each other by subscribing and advertising topics.
System Diagram CleanerController PickPlaceManager ObjectsHandler ObjectsDetector DriveHandler DriveToBasket DriveToObject
Cleaner Controller Cleaner Controller is the main node, waits until all nodes are initialized and ready and then sends a trigger to the DriveHandler node.
Drive Handler DriveHandler is the node in charge of navigation. It subscribes to updates from ObjectsHandler node to avoid obstacles and detect misplaced objects. It has 2 modes: Driving to the target trash bin Driving to the detected object If while driving to the trash bin it receives an update (through the ObjectsHandler Node) that a misplaced object was detected, the node cancels the target goal and sets a new goal – navigating to the detected object. After successful navigation to the object it sends a trigger to the PickPlaceNode and waits until the object is picked up. When the object is picked the Node returns to navigate to the trash bin. When arriving at the trash bin a trigger is sent to the PickPlaceNode, and the node waits for it to place the object in the bin.
PickPlaceManager In charge of picking and placing objects. It subscribes to updates from the ObjectsHandler node in order to avoid collisions.
ObjectsDetector ObjectsDetector is subscribed to the image feed from the robot’s camera, using Pcl (Point Cloud) it deduces if an object is visible and sends an update to the ObjectsHandler Node on the object and it’s location.
ObjectsHandler This node is in charge of the detected objects in the room. When an object is detected by the ObjectsDetector node It updates the ObjectsHandler. The ObjectsHandler node publishes updates to it’s subscribed Nodes (DriveHandler, PickPlaceManager) regarding the objects currently detected in the room and their location. The purpose of this node is to help avoid obstacles and navigate to objects by publishing notifying the other nodes about their existence and locations.
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