Andrew Snella Shannon Donovan Chanda Meek
Awarded to Shannon Donovan and Chanda Meek in January Supports work until June 30, The purpose of our study is to better understand public perceptions regarding black bear management as well as the policy context within which decisions are made. We are conducting a social assessment and policy review of black bear management.
Food Source Predator Hunted trophy species Wildlife viewing opportunity Tourist attraction
Affects highly desired food sources ◦ Moose ◦ Young calves ◦ Caribou 1994 Intensive Management law which requires active management actions to boost populations of game vulnerable to decline in identified game management units
There have been many attempts to understand how predator control may affect prey species, however the social context of predator control in Alaska and its feedbacks to policy change is poorly understood. Extensive debate regarding the state of Alaska’s management practices and whether or not there is adequate baseline data and monitoring to justify lethal predator control measures.
The National Research Council (1997) developed a set of 16 conclusions and recommendations for dealing with the complex social and biological challenges associated with managing predator-prey dynamics in Alaska.
Conduct archival research of relevant literature Review a sample of available transcripts from public meetings Conduct phone interviews with key stakeholders Perform an institutional analysis of black bear management
Three undergraduate UAA research assistants have helped: Conduct archival research of relevant literature Review a sample of available transcripts from public meetings Draft interview scripts
Complex issue ◦ “As a hunting and fishing organization the strives to promote fair chase hunting practices and principles… we urge the Board to reconsider passage of this new bear Policy.” –Backcountry Hunters and Anglers Public Safety Postponed black bear snaring decision until 2012
Shannon and UAA undergraduate research assistants will conduct interviews with select key stakeholders. Chanda and a UAF graduate student will perform an institutional analysis of black bear management.
Q: How and when do actors influence decision-making? Research In progress…. Systematic review of BOG predator control decisions since Build an institutional map, document information flows.
Analyze and follow up on the Boertje et al. article. Dovetail our results into larger, interdisciplinary projects.
We plan to submit grant proposals to the Wilburforce Foundation and the National Science Foundation Arctic Social Sciences ◦ Develop and implement a statewide survey to assess public perceptions on black bear management policies and decision-making
We are collaborating with other researchers from UAA and UAF to develop a proposal for the NSF Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems ◦ Expand the project scope to assess social and ecological dynamics of predator-prey management strategies in the state
For more information contact: Shannon Donovan Chanda Meek