Monitoring Session Intro EGI Virtualization Workshop 12-13 May, Amsterdam
Structure Four parts: We only have two hours : retain focus Why Monitor What to Monitor for 1. How to Monitor 2. Required questions based on 3. We only have two hours : retain focus
Part 1: why First : how many are ‘providers’ and how many are ‘users’? U: 2 – D:8 – RP:9 Group in threes Discuss (5 min) what is the problem you have that monitoring will solve … why monitor? Monitor the status of VM Do not monitor what is happening inside the VM Inspecting VM internal behavior raises privacy issues Security of the Network, malicious behavior There is already documentation about what to monitor to be sure that the site is secure Quickly (in automatic way) provide VM status information to users System health (can users instantiate new virtual machines?) Input from morning : reliability / availability / qos from user pov Fuzzy line between monitoring and information
Part 2 : what Starting from list of items from part 1 Take 5 minutes to consider what needs to be monitored (what information) to serve those goals Network activities (performance) Security ?? Status of the VM management layer What Amazon provides to the users: AVG CPU utilization AVG disk reads and writes Max & rate of Network In & Out Run a VM creation test (analog of the CE test job submission) Question: do we want community probes directed at detecting contention ? Question: What to monitor at the VM manager level, what is already there? Do not worry about implementation, do not specify how this is to be done … specify the information that would be needed in the monitoring display In small groups (no more than four) or alone, whichever
Outside Issues Users want to know what VM have started and what is the status of those VM We assume that the VM management layer manages the efficiency issues like shutting down unused hosts Large class of things to be monitored for scheduling purposes
Answers to the needed questions at infrastructure level Standard De facto standard: Nagios Best practices Maturity level of the software Availability of the software (licenses, platforms) Priorities (e.g. ignore network in/out separation) Gaps, issues and concerns Work needed to solve them
Part 3 : how Based on the list of information from part 3 Discuss how this information could be collected Don’t worry about whether the technology exists or not, wild ideas are ok. 10 min, groups or individuals, either is okay.
Part 4 : required questions The list is not published … Of things that were identified in 3, what can we not yet solve? What needs to be developed by MW people based on 4?