Pick Process Standard Work Instruction: Pick Process Original Date: January 24, 2017 Version number: v1.0 Revision Date: Pick Process This document will provide details on how to complete the picking process. Follow steps for handheld login. Follow steps for Pick Task Selection. Select Pick by pressing Enter. Travel to the first location that the handheld gives and scan the lower barcode of that location to confirm that you are in the given location (if you mis-scan press CTRL + Orange + K, this will clear your mis-scan and you can re-scan correctly). Search for the product that the handheld prompts you to find, scan the barcode on said product or input manually if the barcode will not scan correctly or no barcode exists. Press Enter. Place given quantity of product on skid/pallet (straight stacks with the labels facing the sides). Enter given quantity as long as there is sufficient quantity to fill request (If sufficient quantity is not available a pick exception is required (See Picking Exceptions)). Press Enter. Scan $G barcode (normally placed somewhere on the picker), this will fill the Xfer LPN option. Press Enter. Press Enter again to go onto next pick, follow processes 4-9, until the bottom of the screen reads Group of Picking Tasks Complete or No Eligible Tasks on the pick menu screen. Select option 2 (Drop). In Drop LPN <***> screen, scan $L, this will fill the Current Tasks with a specific number. Press Enter. Travel to given location with product. Stage product (see Staging SW) Scan location barcode in Confirm line. Press Enter. Scan $L at location. Press Enter. Repeat steps 13 – 14 until No result is found reads at the bottom of the screen. Press CTRL + Orange + K to ensure Current Tasks field is clear then scan $L once more to ensure all tasks have been dropped. Continue to next given pick task or work assignment Picking Exceptions First be absolutely sure an exception is called for. Scan location as normal. Press Escape + Orange + E to access exception screen. If no product is available in given location, select Pick None and continue with your picking tasks. If some are available, select Pick Partial (do not use Curtail Pick). Enter the quantity that is available. Pick available product. Press Enter and scan the $G barcode. Next select Pick More where you will then follow the directions for picking none (step 4).