口病實驗平時考試 (8) 姓名 學號 日期 組別 大組 A/B/C 小組 1/2/3.


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Presentation transcript:

口病實驗平時考試 (8) 姓名 學號 日期 組別 大組 A/B/C 小組 1/2/3

平時考(1):請分別於slides 52, 53, 54標示口腔病理特徵tubercle of tuberculosis

平時考(2):請分別於slides 52, 53, 54標示口腔病理特徵caseous necrosis of tuberculosis

平時考(3):請分別於slides 52, 53, 54標示Langhans giant cells of tuberculosis之組織學特徵

平時考(4):請標示colonies of actinomycotic organism consists of club-shaped filaments that form a radiating (rosette) pattern之組織學特徵

平時考(5):請標示candidal hyphae之組織學特徵

平時考 (6): A 68 years old female patient came to our OS Dept. for pus discharge over her lip for 2 days. A fistula with large yellowish flecks discharge over her lower lip was noted, and the surrounding tissue was indurated in palpation. She stated she had trauma of her lower lip 2 weeks ago. Debridement was performed, and the tissue was sent to Oral Pathology Dept. for diagnosis. Please explain your clinical & histopathological diagnosis (at least 150 words with downloaded microscopic pictures from slides 052-056 of KMUOP website).

平時考 (7): A 70 year old male patient was a case of tongue cancer, and he had wide excision 3 weeks ago and under concurrent chemoradiotherapy. He complained about burning sensation of his mouth. Abundant removal white plaque over his bilateral buccal mucosa, palate and tongue were seen. A smear was performed for diagnosis. Please explain your clinical & histopathological diagnosis (at least 150 words with downloaded microscopic pictures from slides 052-056 of KMUOP website).

平時考 (8): A 13 years old girl noted a swelling mass over her right submandibular area for 20 days. She complained tenderness and the mass was firm in palpation. She had antibiotics treatment for 2 weeks, but the symptom and sign remained. This time, she was arranged to debride and excision the mass under general anesthesia. Please explain your clinical & histopathological diagnosis (at least 150 words with downloaded microscopic pictures from slides 052-056 of KMUOP website).

平時考 (9): A 35 male patient noted an unhealed ulcer over his palate for more than 2 weeks. No prominent induration of the lesion was identified. He also complained about low-grade fever, malaise, weight loss and night sweat. The HIV serologic test revealed positive. An excisional biopsy was performed for diagnosis. Please explain your clinical & histopathological diagnosis (at least 150 words with downloaded microscopic pictures from slides 052-056 of KMUOP website).

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