Mobile Access to Course Management Systems Learning-on-the-Go PDA How m-Learning is enhancing education
Learning-on-the-Go PDA Learning-on-the-Go: How m-Learning is Enhancing Education Even as online courses continue to permeate the curricula of many institutions of higher education, distance learning students continue to encounter many barriers to accessing education.
Learning-on-the-Go PDA “Learning on the Learner’s Time” becoming increasingly important escalating demands on schedules accessing course resources more challenging
Learning-on-the-Go PDA m-Learning: Improved Access Technology tools in higher education are becoming increasingly mobile Through m-Learning, students may gain unprecedented access to many of the tools necessary to pursue education, regardless of location or time of day
Learning-on-the-Go PDA Variety of m-Learning possibilities… audible texts and MP3s e-textbooks and encyclopedias other innovative formats such as simulations, streaming video clinical data collection access to Course Management Systems
Learning-on-the-Go PDA m-Learning: PDAs The handheld personal digital assistant (PDA) is one m-Learning tool that is increasing in use: Portable Versatile Relatively low cost ($200) Provides on-demand access to education resources
Learning-on-the-Go PDA m-Learning: PDAS Many colleges and universities have incorporated PDAs into their teaching, curriculum and student resources… Text messaging Pod-casting Data collection
Learning-on-the-Go PDA Educational Applications of PDAs Learning-on-the-Go ® : Adult students taking courses online or on Saturdays “idle time” while commuting, during lunch breaks, at the airport, deployed and other situations without computer access Learning-on-the-Go ® began with audio study guides available in the MP3 format PDA pilot project started Sept. 2004; focused on military
Learning-on-the-Go PDA Educational Applications of PDAs Learning-on-the-Go Pilot Project: Started with a limited number of military students Graduate and undergraduate programs PDA given at no charge Students from nearly all branches of the military located in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, and more
Learning-on-the-Go PDA Educational Applications of PDAs Course materials via PDA… provide students access to course materials contained in Blackboard, our course management system Students have access to course syllabus, course materials, asynchronous discussion, etc. Interactivity is achieved by enabling students to read and write to the discussion board offline. Postings appear each time student syncs PDA
Learning-on-the-Go PDA
Connecting the PDA to CMS ColdFusion Web Server AvantGo Server Blackboard Web Server
Learning-on-the-Go PDA Technical Applications of PDAs - Considerations Used BB Building Block API to “connect” Blackboard (course and user) to the new discussion board Seamless to students and faculty Can read but cannot write discussion messages
Learning-on-the-Go PDA Technical Applications of PDAs - Considerations Used ColdFusion to build a mail client that re-routes outgoing mail through our ColdFusion server (i.e. it appears to DU mail server as if a local machine is sending it)
Learning-on-the-Go PDA Technical Applications of PDAs - Considerations Learning-on-the-Go 2.0 uses ColdFusion to “read” the content of a Word document housed in the CMS and transfers it to the PDA as a text document
Learning-on-the-Go PDA Cost $60 per AvantGo concurrent user license + $15/year maintenance fee $220 per PDA (provided to students free of charge if they take 18 credits with the University) Other costs covered by existing resources: Blackboard, Oracle and Coldfusion In-house programming “Recycled” server for AvantGo
Learning-on-the-Go PDA Educational Applications of PDAs - Considerations Lessons learned in the pilot project. The PDA is a tool – a good supplemental device for those servicemembers/students who do not have frequent access to a computer Flexibility is mandatory Ziploc bags are great for protecting PDAs!
Learning-on-the-Go PDA Future Trends in m-Learning Students will continue to demand flexibility for education that meet not only their educational but access needs. Exploring opportunities to incorporate audible texts and MP3s, streaming video, simulations, e-textbooks and other resources that lend themselves to the mobile learner.
Learning-on-the-Go PDA Future Directions for Learning-on-the-Go Now in version 2.0 Continuing to improve the learning environment Simulations, virtual reality programs SLPA will expand the PDA option to a wider student population
Learning-on-the-Go PDA Learning-on-the-Go: How m-Learning is Enhancing Education “The Learning-on-the-Go project reinforces the types of change impacts we can anticipate on the infrastructure elements of faculty training, help desk support, and enterprise system modifications.” Judith V. Boettcher - consultant specializing in distance learning and the applications of new media
Learning-on-the-Go PDA Learning-on-the-Go: How m-Learning is Enhancing Education Dr. Dorothy Bassett, Interim Dean Duquesne University, School of Leadership Karen Mangis, Coordinator, Online Programs Duquesne University SLPA Boris Vilic, Director of Technology, Duquesne University SLPA