Spatial Analysis and Functions
There are a couple of ways to get to spatial analysis: Select by Location Geoprocessing Wizard
Proximity Analysis and Overlay Analysis
Proximity Analysis Locating features based on their distance from other features Buffering features Spatial Join – closest features
Buffering Buffer around selected points at 20 Km with dissolved boundaries Buffer around selected points at 30 Km.
Buffering with multiple rings Buffer with 3 rings at 5 Km distance, overlapping boundaries.
Buffer the boundary of a polygon Inside and outside the polygon boundary with a 5 Km buffer.
Polygon buffer including the polygon
Buffer using attribute values.
Buffer using a graphics
Spatial Join – Distance Calculation
Overlay Analysis Line in Polygon Point in Polygon
Overlay Analysis Polygon on Polygon
Union - OR Combines all attributes and features
Intersect - AND Only features and attributes in common, overlapping area.
Union All input features must be polygons A new shapefile is created with the combined information The new shapefile inherits attributes from the two input files You must recalculate area for the new features
Intersect Input points, lines or polygons on polygons For example – if you input lines with a polygon, you will get a line shapefile with the lines within the polygon. The output line shapefile will inherit the attributes of the polygon. The is an excellent analysis for determining area within a buffer.