Balanced Scorecard Designer Get a more balanced view of organizational performance and execute your strategy more effectively
Balanced Scorecard Designer
Challenge The balanced score card is a strategic planning and management system that is used extensively in business and industry, government, and nonprofit organizations worldwide to align business activities to the vision and strategy of the organization, improve internal and external communications, and monitor organization performance against strategic goals. Balanced Scorecard Designer provides a powerful software environment to help you build a strategy tree of your company and connect your strategy with the new solution or goal.
Overview For every perspective and indicator you can write a note telling what this indicator is, how to measure it and what target values you are going to achieve. The tree represents indicators of the balanced score card (also known as KPI), each of which has a set of numerical values. Depending on the specified numerical values and weight of the indicators, the program calculates current progress. The generated balanced score card can then be exported to Excel for further analysis or to the HTML format with diagrams.
Facts about Balanced Scorecard According to Balanced Scorecard Collaborative 95% of typical workforce does not understand its organizations' strategy 90% of organizations fail to execute their strategies successfully 86% of executive teams spend less than one hour per month discussing strategy 70% of organizations do not link middle management incentives to strategy 60% of organizations do not link strategy to budgeting According to Balanced Scorecard Forum 80% of Organizations Using ‘Balanced Scorecard’ reported improvements in operating performance 66% of these organizations reported an increase in profits According to Bain & Co about 70 percent of organizations had at least partially implemented a balanced scorecard by 2006. 50 percent of Fortune 1,000 companies are using the balanced scorecard According to Microsoft Business Intelligence Conference, 30% of companies think that the most important to their company today is performance management
Indicators and their properties With Balanced Scorecard Designer one can create indicators and group these indicators into categories or sub-categories Each indicator has its own weight, e.g. relative importance of indicator User can describe the indicator, specify the min and max values, the method of calculating the performance The total performance of the scorecard depends on weights of categories, indicators and performance of indicators
Time Points The program can work not only with stoical indicators, but with indicators that change their values in a time User can specify indicator’s values for the past, for today or for the future. In this way planning and results analysis is possible If value of indicator is not specified then it is inherited from it’s previous values
Connect Scorecards together With Balanced Scorecard Designer one can combine several scorecards into one or use certain indicators in other scorecards Balanced Scorecard can establish connection to scorecards located on the web server or in a local network This is the way how managers can collaborate and use unified information from other scorecards
Export to MS Excel The program allows to export Balanced Scorecard into MS Excel This is a great way to do advanced analysis of the data When user have data exported to MS Excel, it is easy to link this data to some external data sources
Export to HTML HTML report is the most advanced report for your Balanced Scorecard It can covers any specified time period It can include full information about indicators, including their data values or it can be generated in a “mini” version and include only key information about groups and indicators The HTML report includes graphical charts that represent how performance change within time period
Usability Reporting functions of the program are with command line interface, giving developers an ability to integrate Balanced Scorecard Designer into customer’s business systems In the program user will find all industry – standard interface functions, such as copy/paste, undo/redo It is easy to build and navigate though the scorecard with BSC Designer interface
Metrics Library It is recommended that 70 to 80 % of the metrics used in an enterprise balanced scorecard should be standard, with 20 to 30 % custom. The official web-site of the product offers a rich commercial library of metrics, which are available in the proprietary file format and Excel. These metrics have been created based on the results of analyzing the indicators from various areas of business and allow executives or managers to create their own set of indicators, relying on the time-proved indicators that worked well in other companies from the similar business area. Metrics are designed for HR, Finance, Logistics, Project Management and many other categories
Why Balanced Scorecard Designer This product will help executives and managers to create their own Balanced Scorecards with ease and simplicity. Some of our competitors are listed here: Our product is much more affordable because it is not a high-scale ERP or MPC system, it doesn’t contain value-added features, such as CRM, helpdesk, sales modules we are focused just on performance management problems With our commercial library of metrics you can have a start point scorecard, which was designed specifically for your business.
About AKS-Labs Founded in 2000, AKS-Labs is a Raleigh, New Carolina based technology company, specializing in business software. The company also have branches European branch of the company is located in Czech Republic. Its premier products include Mind Pad, a mind mapping tool for building diagrams, Compare Suite, a file comparison utility and File Search Assist, utility for a file search. More information about AKS-Labs can be found at Contact us using the contact-form on our web-site