Age of Exploration
Age of Exploration SS8H1 Evaluate the impact of European exploration and settlement on American Indians in Georgia. Describe the characteristics of American Indians living in Georgia at the time of European contact; to include culture, food, weapons/tools, and shelter. Explain reasons for European exploration and settlement of North America, with emphasis on the interests of the Spanish and British in the Southeastern area. Evaluate the impact of Spanish contact on American Indians, including the explorations of Hernando DeSoto and the establishment of Spanish missions along the barrier islands.
Why Explore?
Age of Exploration Life in Europe changed a lot from 1450 to 1700. The Renaissance led to new inventions and idea that led to the Age of Exploration.
Age of Exploration Europeans were trading spices, silk, and other goods with countries in Asia. Europeans did not want to deal with the middlemen on the silk road. Middlemen drove up the prices of the goods. Silk was also very dangerous because of the conflict between Christians and Muslims.
The Silk Road
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Age of Exploration European explorers began searching for an all water trade route to Asia Explorers sought to find the North West Passage - a water route to get to the far east by sailing north & west Portugal, Spain, France, and England became the major players in the Age of Exploration
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Reasons for Exploration God – 1. Spread Christianity 2. Seeking religious Freedom Gold – 1. Searching for Gold 2. Searching for ways to make more money. (trade and mercantilism) Glory – 1. More Land 2. More Power
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Mercantilism Great Britain’s goal for mercantilism was to export more goods to foreign countries than it imported. In order to do this, Great Britain needed more resources than it had available. British explorers hoped to find raw materials that they could use to manufacture goods in their own country.
3 REASONS FOR EXPLORATION PIC PIC PIC So what: ( summary of tree map)_____________________________. So why: (Why is this important)________________________________.
Hernando De Soto SS8H1 Evaluate the impact of European exploration and settlement on American Indians in Georgia. C. Evaluate the impact of Spanish contact on American Indians, including the explorations of Hernando DeSoto and the establishment of Spanish missions along the barrier islands.
Picture Analysis 1. Make a list of all the humans, animals, and items you see. 2. Make a list of all the actions you see. 3, What story does this picture tell of Hernando DeSoto’s journey? © Brain Wrinkles
De Soto Hernando Desoto- A Spanish Conquistador who led 600 soldiers through GA searching for Gold. Enslaved, and tortured natives while looking for gold and silver. Many natives also died from the disease brought by Europeans Never found gold in Georgia but left a lasting impact on the natives.
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As Hernando de Soto marched throughout the Southeast, thousands of American Indians were tortured and killed by his men. © Brain Wrinkles
3 RESULTS OF EXPLORATION DEATH DISEASE DESTRUCTION PIC PIC PIC So what: ( summary of tree map)_____________________________. So why: (Why is this important)________________________________.
Be The thing Your Task: Write a short personal response as if you were a specific object from early Georgia exploration time period. Your response should include both emotional and physical feelings of the object. Imagine you are the thing! Consider if you were an American Indian’s horse watching the Europeans arrive on your land from the Atlantic Ocean. Your owner is sitting on you having a conversation with his friend about what is taking place. Write the following from the perspective of the horse. Your response must: Be at least two complete paragraphs in length. Describe the purpose and function of the object. Describe how the object might feel or what it might be thinking Mention the historical situation.
Spanish Missions and Forts Along Georgia & Florida’s Coasts © Brain Wrinkles
Spanish Mission Spanish set up missions (churches) all along the barrier islands. Guale and Mocoma- 2 Spanish provinces that had several missions Purpose was to convert the American Indians to Christianity.