Skin Disorders EXCORIATION – abrasion Decubitus ulcer deep loss of skin, may extend to dermis, may bleed and scar DERMATITIS Non-specific inflammation of skin Causes a rash or hives Multiple causes: reaction to soap, plants,
DERMATITIS Atopic dermatitis Contact dermatitis
Skin Disorders ACNE VULGARIS Common and chronic disorder of sebaceous glands Sebum plugs pores area fills with leukocytes (whiteheads) When sebum hardens and dries = blackhead Treatment: Cleansing of skin, oil drying agents, antibiotics.
Skin Disorders ATHLETE’S FOOT Contagious fungal infection Usually contracted in public baths and showers Rx – anti-fungal agents , clean white socks, thorough drying between toes
Skin Disorders RINGWORM Highly contagious fungal infection Raised, itchy, circular patches with crusts Sources: cats, dogs, wrestling mats Skin, scalp most common areas Rx –anti-fungal drug
Skin Disorders Acute or chronic, inflammatory skin disease ECZEMA Acute or chronic, inflammatory skin disease Dry, red, itchy and scaly Rx – remove or avoid causative agent, hydrocortisone to help alleviate the symptoms
Onsets triggered by stress Skin Disorders PSORIASIS Chronic inflammatory skin disease Dry, reddish patches which are covered with silvery-white scales Affects the skin of elbows, knees, shins, scalp, lower back Cause – unknown. Onsets triggered by stress
Skin Disorders WARTS Caused by a virus Some disappear spontaneously, others removed with liquid nitrogen, chemicals or laser
Skin Disorders IMPETIGO Acute, inflammatory and contagious Seen in babies and young children Caused by staphylococcus or streptococcus Characterized by the appearance of vesicles which rupture and develop distinct yellow crusts. Treatment: antibiotics.
Skin Disorders URTICARIA or HIVES Itchy welts Usually an allergic reaction to drugs, food, etc. Can be caused by stress Rx – avoid allergen, use of anti-histamine (Benadryl)
Skin Disorders Viral infection (same as chicken pox) of nerve endings SHINGLES (HERPES ZOSTER) Viral infection (same as chicken pox) of nerve endings Chest or abdomen, accompanied by severe pain Rx – medication for pain and itching
Skin Disorders HERPES SIMPLEX I Viral infection from HERPES ZOSTER Fever blister or cold sore Stress can cause outbreaks Treatment: Over the counter remedies to alleviate symptoms.
Skin Disorders GENITAL HERPES Viral caused by HERPES ZOSTER Blister in genital area Spread through sexual contact Periods of remission (no symptoms) and exacerbation (re-occurrence of symptoms)
Skin Disorders Rx – anti-viral drugs help with symptoms, but do not “cure” herpes Can be passed to newborn during vaginal delivery. Can cause serious complications to newborn infant.
Skin Disorders SCABIES Communicable Severe itching Mite burrows in skin, lays eggs, eggs hatch Treatment: Topical application of a pesticide