Tad Scheiblich RSI December 2, 2005 IDL Support of HDF Tad Scheiblich RSI December 2, 2005
Interactive Data Language What is IDL? Interactive Data Language Extensive Cross-Platform Libraries: Interactive Visualization Data Processing Scientific File Formats GUI Development
History & Background 28 year history with NCAR & NASA Extensively used at NOAA Based in Boulder, CO Offices Worldwide Currently on version 6.2
History with HDF HDF Support Introduced in IDL 4.0 HDF5 Support Added in IDL 5.6
The HDF Libraries Thin-Wrappers to Native C Libraries HDF5 1.6.3 ; create HDF5 file file = 'hdf5_out.h5' fid = H5F_CREATE(file) ; create some data data = hanning(100,200) ; create a datatype datatype_id = H5T_IDL_CREATE(data) ; create a dataspace, allow the dataspace to be extendable dataspace_id = $ H5S_CREATE_SIMPLE([100,100],max_dimensions=[200,200]) ; create the dataset dataset_id = $ H5D_CREATE(fid,'Hanning',datatype_id,dataspace_id, $ chunk_dimensions=[20,20]) ; extend the size of the dataset to fit the data H5D_EXTEND,dataset_id,size(data,/dimensions) ; write the data to the dataset H5D_WRITE,dataset_id,data Thin-Wrappers to Native C Libraries HDF5 1.6.3 HDF 4.1r5
Why IDL? Interpreted language – easier to use Interactive Still very performant Incredible visualization capabilities Vast data processing library
HDF5 Enhancements in IDL 6.3 Opaque Data Support Variable Length Data Support Enumerated Data Support Compound Data Support
Other Features of Interest Virtual Machine iTools Interactive Data Analysis netCDF Support Cluster Computing API MPI Task-Farming Connectivity Bridges C/C++, Fortran (Dynamically Linked Modules) Java COM/ActiveX
http://www.RSInc.com/IDL (303) 786-9900 For More Information http://www.RSInc.com/IDL (303) 786-9900 Thank You! -Tad Scheiblich