UKKASIKSALIK National Park of Canada
Where the park it is located??
The park area is about 20 500 km2.
WHAT KIND OF WEATHER TO EXPECT??? Climate is characterized by low precipitation levels combine with low temperatures and high winds. In summer on the edge of the sea, winds creat a foggy environment and on the fall snow storms, the ice remains on the bay until the end of July. The best and most recommended time to visit are in summer.
VEGETATION Dwarf birch Dwarf birch, willow, labrador tea, mountain avens and other tundra flowers, and various species of the blueberry clan. willow Labrador tea mountain avens
ANIMAL SPECIES Artic wolves Barren-ground grizzlies Caribou
Activities Boat Tours & Hiking Ukkusiksalik National Park includes and surrounds Wager Bay, so the best way to experience it is by boat with a licensed outfitter. Parks Canada strongly recommends that visitors only tour the park with a licensed guide, due to the extremely high density of polar bears. It is not uncommon for visitors to see polar bears daily during their visit. Visitors to the park come to hike, boat and view wildlife during the brief arctic summer.
The park has a lodge that provides a safe place to stay when in polar bear country. The Inuit use the region to hunt and fish. The Hudson's Bay Company traded in the area (1925-47), and remains of their buildings can be seen at Ford Lake at the west end of Wager Bay. Ready yo plan your trip?? Repulse Bay, Nunavut Canada X0C 0H0 Phone: 1-844-524-5293 867-462-4500 Fax: 867-462-4095 Email: