CORE CURRICULUM MEETING August 9, 2011 1:30-3:00 p.m. Magnolia Room 2
CHARGE OF THE GENERAL EDUCATION COUNCIL Overseeing and maintaining the integrity of VSU's core curriculum; Promoting the importance and quality of core curriculum courses in VSU's colleges and departments; Providing guidelines, assistance, and review to departments proposing new courses in the core curriculum;
CHARGE OF THE GENERAL EDUCATION COUNCIL (continued) Establishing and reviewing policies related to the transfer of core curriculum courses; Collecting, examining, and reporting on current assessment data on the core curriculum, in particular looking at how well student learning outcomes for the core curriculum are currently being met; and Developing and implementing an assessment plan specific to the core curriculum.
GENERAL EDUCATION ASSESSMENT Pilot Project (Spring 2009-2011) 4 Phases Approximately 27 classes (and multiple sections) in Areas A-E with over 8000 students New Cycle will begin in Spring 2012 based on the new learning outcomes and overlays for each core area
TODAY’S QUESTION How do we promote the importance and quality of core curriculum courses in VSU's colleges and departments?
TABLE DISCUSSION What have been some of your successes and failures in teaching in the core? What are the challenges in teaching in the core? Are core classes meeting the needs of our majors?
CORE MATTERS CONFERENCE “Core Values, Major Rewards” October 7-8, 2011 in VSU's Student Union