11/8 Topic: Typing Your Research Paper Aim: Can I properly type my research paper? Do Now: Sit in your assigned seat Take your research folder Take out your Work Cited and put it on your desk.
When You are Finished Make sure you read and consider all of the suggestions and comments we have left for you. Make sure you have: Transitions Citations Concluding/Transitional Sentences at the end of your body paragraphs You can use your English/S.S. writing packet to help you
Proof Read Make sure you did not abbreviate any names Make sure your paragraphs all have at least 4 sentences. Make sure you only have one space between your paragraphs Spell check your paper Reread it to check your grammar Check for Empty Words (English/S.S. Writing Packet)
Check the Format Times New Roman Font Paper is 12 Point Font Title can be 14 and bold Double Spaced Proper Heading (single spaced) & Title (name of person) When you are done proof reading take a self editing/revising worksheet and complete it.