Specialists vs. Generalists
Specialists Animals that rely on a very specific habitat requirement They have a narrow range of tolerance and fill a very specific niche Don’t adapt well.
Red cockaded woodpecker – needs older longleaf and loblolly pine with heart rot
American Oystercatchers — only eat oysters and bivalves.
Everglades Kite — only eats apple snails
Manatees—require warm water and lots of aquatic plants. Limited range.
Indiana Bats—return to the same few caves to hibernate.
Red Knots—during migration eat primarily horseshoe crab eggs.
Generalists Animals that can eat a wide variety of foods or can live in different habitats
Gray squirrel – has a varied diet and can survive in many habitats
Cotton tail rabbit—vegetarian, and like all herbivores, have a varied diet.
Black bear—eat soft and hard mast fruit, grasses, carrion, and fish.