FCommerce A Perspective on Water Transportation For the NCR Presented by: Willem Polak President, Potomac Riverboat Company September 23, 2010
Potomac River From Quantico to Washington WDC Dogue Creek Alexandria Night Vision Secure National Harbor / Gaylord Existing VRE @ Belmont Bay Mount Vernon Estate Planned VRE @ Harbor Station Marshall Hall Quantico Indian Head – 2 docking sites 3
Rush Hour Drive times in DC Metro Area ~90 mins ~90 mins ~75 mins ~90 mins 4
Potomac River Speed Zone – 10 mph 300 yards
Dock Limitations/Upgrades/Land Acquisition Locations Pros Cons Indian Head Two docking locations, both with existing piers Decent water depth DoD only – credentials required Upgrades to existing piers, road, and other infrastructure Washington Post Site 22+ acres of land adjoining Route 210 Public access (no DoD credentials required) Shallow water Need jetty and pier installation (200-300ft) Bring water depth to shoreline Set-back restrictions Elevated property Lack of road and other infrastructure Marshall Hall Access to 210 Short distance to Ft. Belvoir, Mount Vernon, and Alexandria by water Owned by NPS Minimal parking Pier and infrastructure required Quantico Deep water Existing docks DoD access only Harbor Station VRE station on river (to be built) Public access $500k grant allocated to VRE station Developer has put project on hold Occoquan River Marina (Belmont Bay) Open to public Existing VRE station within a ½ mile Recreational vs. commercial Gunston Cove (Night Vision/South Side Belvoir) Existing pier facility DoD access only] Dogue Creek (Ft. Belvoir – North Side) Existing marina Adjoins public land Mt. Vernon Hwy access Military housing (to be removed) Possibility of public-DoD access Dredging and pier infrastructure required Mount Vernon Interested in linking to Charles County and Indian Head, MD Existing pier Tourism destination Only tourism destination Alexandria Existing commercial operation under PRC Free connection to King Street Metro Shopping / hotels / dining More dockage required Low speed limit 6
Potential Operating Impacts High Waves Fog Ice River Debris Mechanical Failures Recreational Boaters
Indian Head requires jetty and floating dock Inset Floating Dock Jetty DoD property 8
Belvoir – North: Dogue Creek Docking Option Dock Location @ Dogue Creek with Security Fence 9
Small Ferries – Less Than 125 Passengers Equipment Options Small Ferries – Less Than 125 Passengers 77 passengers $1.4 million 122 passengers $1.75 million 49 passengers (40 mph) $1.75 million 10
Medium Ferries – Up To 149 Passengers Equipment Options Medium Ferries – Up To 149 Passengers 149 passengers $4 million 149 passengers $3.2 million 11
Equipment Options Medium Ferries – up to 149 149 passengers @ 32 knots $6 million 12
Large Ferries – 149 to 300+ Passengers Equipment Options Large Ferries – 149 to 300+ Passengers 360 passengers / 10 cars $27 million 298 passengers / 46 cars $40+ million 13
Large Ferries – 149 to 400+ Passengers Equipment Options Large Ferries – 149 to 400+ Passengers 413 passengers $25 million 14