Computers in Education History & Background Technology Compared Some Pros & Cons
What, when, & who?? "I believe that the _________ is destined to revolutionize our educational system and that in a few years it will supplant largely, if not entirely, the use of textbooks.."
What, when, & who?? Quoting Thomas Edison from 1922: "I believe that the motion picture is destined to revolutionize our educational system and that in a few years it will supplant largely, if not entirely, the use of textbooks.." (p. 9; the quotation is taken from Henry A. Wise, Motion Pictures as an Aid in Teaching American History (Yale UP, 1939), p. 1)
History Repeats Itself Motion pictures would allow students to "See" history before their eyes. Radio would let students hear events as they took place. Television was touted as offering “every student the possibility of receiving first class instruction.”
Computers Next to Fail? Computers are offered as “a mechanism that will "make learning fun" and transform the classroom into a learning laboratory for life”.
Technology Compared
Common to All Ed. Tech. Technology to be used in schools: Not invented for the classroom. Almost never wanted initially by those doing the teaching. Often does not make the impact predicted.
Who Wants This Stuff & Why? Politicians: Business: Media: Community/Parents: Educators:
Examples: Educational Technology Been in Classrooms for years TV VCR DVD Film Overhead Audio Recordings...
The Computer Difference? New dimension of interactivity. Students can: Receive info/instruction (traditional) Add to existing info Determine what info to look at Create, communicate, problem solve, use imagination...
Some Pros & Cons
Benefits of Computer Use in Schools Students appear motivated to use computers. Expands the traditional learning environment. Better able to manipulate material Immediate feedback Helps in material visualization
Benefits of Computer Use in Schools Expands teacher repertoire. Teacher not center of classroom all the time. Independent work Increased Teacher Productivity. Lesson plan organization Tracking grades Seat assignments...
Benefits of Computer Use in Schools Prepares Students for Future in Technological Society Computer skills Information skills Greater Equity Updates libraries Use to help variety of learning styles.
Drawbacks of Computer Use in Schools Doesn’t solve all learning problems. A tool, not an answer. Technology Constantly Changing. Literacy changes Professional development for teachers Cost!!!
Drawbacks of Computer Use in Schools Can be used to systematize education. “Teacher proof” schooling standards: drill & kill Greater Inequity Socio-economic Gender Special Needs
Drawbacks of Computer Use in Schools Changes in Classroom Management. Are students on task? Are students paying attention? Are students “exploring” inappropriate sites? How can teachers utilize only a few computers?
Achieving Effective Use of Computers School Administrators & Teachers must keep in mind the historic context. Educators/society must remember that computers are tools used to support, not take the place of professionals. Must focus on benefits and minimize potential drawbacks.
Effective Use of Computers Teachers must be able to use professional judgment to determine when computers will be beneficial to their classrooms.