Magnolia West High School Magnolia, Texas Chapter One
History and Background What does the term "sports medicine” mean and who makes up the Sports Medicine Team? What is Athletic Training? Roles and personal qualities History of Athletic Training / National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA) Other Sports Medicine Organizations NATA / SWATA / AATA Sources of information include and
Practice of Medicine (team physicians) Human Performance Injury Prevention/ Management Exercise Physiology Biomechanics Sports Psychology Sports Nutrition Sports Massage Practice of Medicine (team physicians) Sports Physical Therapy Athletic Training
Athletic Training Athletic Trainers (ATs) are health care professionals who collaborate with physicians. The services provided by ATs comprise prevention, emergency care, clinical evaluation, therapeutic intervention and rehabilitation of injuries and medical conditions. * Athletic training is recognized by the American Medical Association (AMA) as a health care profession.
The Sports Medicine Team Athletic Trainer Role and Responsibilities (Role Delineation) prevention of athletic injuries recognition, evaluation, and assessment immediate care of injuries treatment, rehabilitation, and reconditioning health care administration professional development and responsibility
The Athletic Trainer - Personal Qualities Stamina Adaptability Empathy Humor Communication Intellectual Curiosity Ethical Practice
The Team Physician Supervisor and Advisor of ATC Compiling Medical Histories Elavuating Injury Disqualification Attend Practice/Game Commit to the sport & the athletes
Other Sports Medicine Support Persons School Nurses EMT’s Physical Therapist Physician Assistants Dentist Social Worker Nutritionist
NATA History National Athletic Trainers’ Association the professional membership association for certified athletic trainers and others who support the athletic training profession First Meeting was in 1950 in Kansas City. Bobby Gunn was the first NATA President (Houston Native) Otho Davis, was the Executive Director that was instrumental in the growth of the NATA and the profession of athletic training.
Employment Settings for the Athletic Trainer Public and Private Schools Professional Teams Sports Medicine Clinics: The Clinical ATC Industrial Setting Hospitals Health and Fitness Centers Military Future Direction?
Professional Preparation of the Athletic Trainer Attend and complete a CAATE accredited program Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education Obtain professional memberships such as NATA Maintain and show proof of continual CPR/AED certification Take the BOC exam Become licensed in the state where you work
Required Courses CAATE accredited programs include, but are not limited to the following courses anatomy physiology psychology modalities first aid nutrition prevention and treatment of injuries
Continuing Education Units CEUs are gained through several methods, including Conventions Speaking NATA Journal of Athletic Training Quizes Seminars and webinars Graduate coursework from a CAATE accredited ATP
The BOC Exam Administered by the Board of Certification (BOC), formally NATABOC Until 2007 the exam had three parts, including practical, oral, and written Now a computer based test 175 multiple choice, drag and drop, fill in the blank, “best choice” scenarios, matching, etc. Must complete an entry-level athletic training education program, accredited by CAATE, to sit for the exam
State Licensure Each State is Different Some States STILL do not have Licensure The first state to have licensure was Texas, in 1971 Certification is through the Board of Certification (BOC), and is a national certification Some states require certification to be licensed, although Texas does not. Research the laws where you might want to work