Reformation of the Multipoint Parish Doesn't Have to Be Scary!
Resources Waldkoenig and Avery Poling-Goldenne and Jung Cooperating Congregations Poling-Goldenne and Jung Discovering Hope STaR Ministry Team, ELCA A Manual for Transforming Ministry Cladis Leading the Team-Based Church
Resources (cont.) Daubert and Walter-Peterson, Congregational and Synodical Mission, ELCA Building Healthy Communities Together: A Framework for Area Ministry Strategy in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Inskeep and Skrypek - A Resource for Persons Considering Forming a Multiple Point Parish
Resources (cont.) Logan and Carlton Coaching 101 ELCA Cooperative Ministry Affinity Group Synod Office ELCA Model Constitution for Congregations
Resources (cont.) Rev. Kerry Aucker, Rev. Julie A.K. Anderson Doctor of Ministry Theses