PROGRESS TO DATE ON THE ROLL OUT The WMA gazette is out on the 20 July 2012 (gazette No: 35517) 90 days of comments will end on the 20 October 2012 Two business cases are finalised ( Inkomati- Usuthu and Breede-gouritz) Draft viability study developed Regional consultation almost done
Proposed dates for Regions and RSC WATER MANAGEMENT AREA REGIONAL CONSULTATION DATE STATUS PREP MEETING FOR REGIONS AND STAKEHOLDERS CONSULTATION(RS C) STATUS 1. LIMPOPO18 July 2012Done4 & 5 September 2012 To be done 2. OLIFANTS 28 August 2012Done 27 September & 5 October 2012 To be done 3. INKOMATI-USUTHU22 August 2012 Done21 September 2012 To be done 4. PONGOLA- MZIMKHULU 3 August 2012Done 28 August & September 2012 To be done 5. VAAL15 August 2012 Done10 September 2012To be done 6. ORANGE 15 August 2012Done10 September 2012To be done 7. MZIMVUBU- TSITSIKAMA 30 August 2012 Done 8. BREEDE-GOURITZ 9. BERG- OLIFANTSDOORN 4
Issues arising from regional consultation ISSUESPOSSIBLE SOLUTIONS Filling of post, retention of post and transfer of staff Task teams to be established as soon as possible Some regions do not have staff to be transferred It is important to engage with unions upfront of the staff transfer Regulatory functions Vs Proto-CMA functions Alignment between the two directorate should be done Standardisation of Proto-CMA functions in all regions Tariff setting for the new proposed WMAs It will be addressed by the Raw water pricing strategy 5
ISSUES RAISED FROM REGIONAL CONSULATAION CONTINUE Regions have been structured differently There is an urgent need on the standardisation of functions amongst the regions There is a concern that regions are filling their structure whereas they anticipate establishment of CMAs Finance will lead the process of revenue collection where IO and regions will be part of the process There is a need for delegation of functions to WUAs to give them powers as they will be the building blocks for CMAs establishment
ISSUES RAISED FROM REGIONAL CONSULATAION CONTINUE There is an agreement that the process should be fast tracked It is important to give a deep thinking on how to fast track the establishment of catchment management agencies There is a serious need to look at capacity need in regional offices, DDG: Regions is worried about the implications of the process on regions. There is a need for dedicated support capacity in the regions
ISSUES RAISED FROM REGIONAL CONSULATAION CONTINUE There is an agreement to have a dedicated session with DDG: Regions, IO and senior managers There is a concern about available capacity in IO The size of CMA bring concern in the following areas: - The proposed CMAs are very large - Some are cross border institutions - The process appears to be full time and regional directors have other responsibilities -
ISSUES RAISED FROM REGIONAL CONSULATAION CONTINUE There is a need to apply our minds on the implementation plan for the CMAs Expertise needs must be determined. The resources should not be centralised in the head office (under IO). More warm bodies are needed because CMAs will be developed concurrently, not in a staggered fashion although they will be finalised in different time frames.