St. Anthony Academy 2011-2012 Science Fair Project By Mrs. Wilson Middle School Science Teacher
Science Fair Set for January 12,2011 Science Fair Project Due Day January 11,2011
Students must select a topic for Investigation. Must be measurable and approved by the teacher. The Topic is due this week 11/11/11 .
You need an approved display board. You can purchase the board from the school at a cost $5.00 (around Nov.15)
Your Project Due is January 11. Counts as a Major Test Grade Do not turn in before January 9th Do not wait until last minute Follow timeline of the dates of project completion Make it memorable learning experience Please read guidelines before you begin your investigation
Keeping Organized Keep a Journal/Log of every step of the investigation. Take pictures along the way. Follow the due dates. Do your best! Your project must be neat and organized. You need to follow guidelines/ requirements
Science Fair Investigation Time Line Investigation/Science Project Topic November 11 Purpose, Problem and Hypothesis November 16 (Explain what you want to find out) Problem (restate the purpose in the form of the question) Hypothesis (An educated guess that answers the question of the problem) Variables December 2 Family Math and Science Night December 6 Project Due January 11 Science Fair January 12
All Topics must be approved by the teacher Names are NOT to be put on the project. Names or faces should NOT appear on display board materials. Projects are to be students own work. All work is to be printed by the student on 5X8 ruled index cards. You can also type on your computer using a 48-point font size. No projects using animals, human objects, microorganisms, or tissue
All Topics must be approved by the teacher Take pictures of each step of the experiment (no faces on the pictures) A collection is NOT a project. Models (volcanoes, tornadoes, body parts, solar system and purchased kits) are not allowed . Projects using EGGS are not allowed. All projects must be complete at the time of judging.
Science Fair Websites projects/project_variables.shtml projects/project_hypothesis.shtml